Class BBox

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    BBox.Immutable, QuadBuckets.QBLevel

    public class BBox
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IBounds
    A BBox represents an area in lat/lon space. It is used for the quad tree. In contrast to a Bounds object, a BBox can represent an invalid (empty) area.
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      private static class  BBox.Immutable  
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      protected double xmax  
      protected double xmin  
      protected double ymax  
      protected double ymin  
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Constructs a new (invalid) BBox
      BBox​(double x, double y)
      Constructs a new BBox defined by a single point.
      BBox​(double x, double y, double r)
      Creates bbox around the coordinate (x, y).
      BBox​(double ax, double ay, double bx, double by)
      Create minimal BBox so that this.bounds(ax,ay) and this.bounds(bx,by) will both return true
      BBox​(ILatLon ll)
      Create BBox for a given latlon.
      BBox​(LatLon a, LatLon b)
      Constructs a new BBox defined by points a and b.
      BBox​(BBox copy)
      Constructs a new BBox from another one.
      BBox​(INode n)
      Create BBox for a node.
      BBox​(IWay<?> w)
      Create BBox for all nodes of the way with known coordinates.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(double x, double y)
      Extends this bbox to include the point (x, y)
      void add​(ILatLon c)
      Add a point to an existing BBox.
      void add​(LatLon c)
      Add a point to an existing BBox.
      void add​(BBox other)
      Extends this bbox to include the bbox other.
      void addLatLon​(LatLon latLon, double extraSpace)
      Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
      void addPrimitive​(IPrimitive primitive, double extraSpace)
      Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
      void addPrimitive​(OsmPrimitive primitive, double extraSpace)
      Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
      double area()
      Gets the area of the bbox.
      static boolean bboxesAreFunctionallyEqual​(BBox bbox1, BBox bbox2, java.lang.Double maxDifference)
      Check if bboxes are functionally equal
      boolean bboxIsFunctionallyEqual​(BBox other, java.lang.Double maxDifference)
      Check if bboxes are functionally equal
      boolean bounds​(LatLon c)
      Tests, whether the Point c lies within the bbox.
      boolean bounds​(BBox b)
      Tests, whether the bbox b lies completely inside this bbox.
      boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
      LatLon getBottomRight()
      Returns the bottom-right point.
      double getBottomRightLat()
      Returns the latitude of bottom-right point.
      double getBottomRightLon()
      Returns the longitude of bottom-right point.
      LatLon getCenter()
      Gets the center of this BBox.
      double getHeight()
      Returns the bounds width.
      (package private) byte getIndex​(int level)  
      double getMaxLat()
      Returns max latitude of bounds.
      double getMaxLon()
      Returns max longitude of bounds.
      double getMinLat()
      Returns min latitude of bounds.
      double getMinLon()
      Returns min longitude of bounds.
      LatLon getTopLeft()
      Returns the top-left point.
      double getTopLeftLat()
      Returns the latitude of top-left point.
      double getTopLeftLon()
      Returns the longitude of top-left point.
      double getWidth()
      Returns the bounds width.
      int hashCode()  
      double height()
      Gets the height of the bbox.
      boolean intersects​(BBox b)
      Tests, whether two BBoxes intersect as an area.
      boolean isInWorld()
      Determines if the bbox is valid and covers a part of the planet surface.
      boolean isValid()
      Determines if the bbox covers a part of the planet surface.
      protected void set​(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax)  
      BBox toImmutable()
      Returns an immutable version of this bbox, i.e., modifying calls throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
      java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D toRectangle()
      Converts the bounds to a rectangle
      java.lang.String toString()  
      java.lang.String toStringCSV​(java.lang.String separator)
      Creates a CSV string for this bbox
      double width()
      Gets the width of the bbox.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • xmin

        protected double xmin
      • xmax

        protected double xmax
      • ymin

        protected double ymin
      • ymax

        protected double ymax
    • Constructor Detail

      • BBox

        public BBox()
        Constructs a new (invalid) BBox
      • BBox

        public BBox​(double x,
                    double y)
        Constructs a new BBox defined by a single point.
        x - X coordinate
        y - Y coordinate
      • BBox

        public BBox​(LatLon a,
                    LatLon b)
        Constructs a new BBox defined by points a and b. Result is minimal BBox containing both points if they are both valid, else undefined
        a - first point
        b - second point
      • BBox

        public BBox​(BBox copy)
        Constructs a new BBox from another one.
        copy - the BBox to copy
      • BBox

        public BBox​(double x,
                    double y,
                    double r)
        Creates bbox around the coordinate (x, y). Coordinate defines center of bbox, its edge will be 2*r.
        x - X coordinate
        y - Y coordinate
        r - size
      • BBox

        public BBox​(double ax,
                    double ay,
                    double bx,
                    double by)
        Create minimal BBox so that this.bounds(ax,ay) and this.bounds(bx,by) will both return true
        ax - left or right X value (-180 .. 180)
        ay - top or bottom Y value (-90 .. 90)
        bx - left or right X value (-180 .. 180)
        by - top or bottom Y value (-90 .. 90)
      • BBox

        public BBox​(IWay<?> w)
        Create BBox for all nodes of the way with known coordinates. If no node has a known coordinate, an invalid BBox is returned.
        w - the way
      • BBox

        public BBox​(INode n)
        Create BBox for a node. An invalid BBox is returned if the coordinates are not known.
        n - the node
      • BBox

        public BBox​(ILatLon ll)
        Create BBox for a given latlon. An invalid BBox is returned if the coordinates are not known.
        ll - The lat lon position
    • Method Detail

      • add

        public final void add​(LatLon c)
        Add a point to an existing BBox. Extends this bbox if necessary so that this.bounds(c) will return true if c is a valid LatLon instance. Kept for binary compatibility
        c - a LatLon point
      • add

        public final void add​(ILatLon c)
        Add a point to an existing BBox. Extends this bbox if necessary so that this.bounds(c) will return true if c is a valid LatLon instance. If it is invalid or null, this call is ignored.
        c - a LatLon point.
      • add

        public final void add​(double x,
                              double y)
        Extends this bbox to include the point (x, y)
        x - X coordinate
        y - Y coordinate
      • add

        public final void add​(BBox other)
        Extends this bbox to include the bbox other. Does nothing if other is not valid.
        other - a bbox
      • set

        protected void set​(double xmin,
                           double xmax,
                           double ymin,
                           double ymax)
      • addPrimitive

        public void addPrimitive​(OsmPrimitive primitive,
                                 double extraSpace)
        Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
        primitive - an OSM primitive
        extraSpace - the value to extend the primitives bbox. Unit is in LatLon degrees.
      • addPrimitive

        public void addPrimitive​(IPrimitive primitive,
                                 double extraSpace)
        Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
        primitive - an primitive
        extraSpace - the value to extend the primitives bbox. Unit is in LatLon degrees.
      • addLatLon

        public void addLatLon​(LatLon latLon,
                              double extraSpace)
        Extends this bbox to include the bbox of the primitive extended by extraSpace.
        latLon - a LatLon
        extraSpace - the value to extend the primitives bbox. Unit is in LatLon degrees.
      • height

        public double height()
        Gets the height of the bbox.
        The difference between ymax and ymin. 0 for invalid bboxes.
      • getHeight

        public double getHeight()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns the bounds width.
        Specified by:
        getHeight in interface IBounds
        the bounds width
      • width

        public double width()
        Gets the width of the bbox.
        The difference between xmax and xmin. 0 for invalid bboxes.
      • getWidth

        public double getWidth()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns the bounds width.
        Specified by:
        getWidth in interface IBounds
        the bounds width
      • area

        public double area()
        Gets the area of the bbox.
        the area computed from width() and height()
      • bounds

        public boolean bounds​(BBox b)
        Tests, whether the bbox b lies completely inside this bbox.
        b - bounding box
        true if b lies completely inside this bbox
      • bounds

        public boolean bounds​(LatLon c)
        Tests, whether the Point c lies within the bbox.
        c - point
        true if c lies within the bbox
      • intersects

        public boolean intersects​(BBox b)
        Tests, whether two BBoxes intersect as an area. I.e. whether there exists a point that lies in both of them.
        b - other bounding box
        true if this bbox intersects with the other
      • getTopLeft

        public LatLon getTopLeft()
        Returns the top-left point.
        The top-left point
      • getTopLeftLat

        public double getTopLeftLat()
        Returns the latitude of top-left point.
        The latitude of top-left point
      • getMaxLat

        public double getMaxLat()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns max latitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for getMax().lat().
        Specified by:
        getMaxLat in interface IBounds
        max latitude of bounds.
      • getTopLeftLon

        public double getTopLeftLon()
        Returns the longitude of top-left point.
        The longitude of top-left point
      • getMinLon

        public double getMinLon()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns min longitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for getMin().lon().
        Specified by:
        getMinLon in interface IBounds
        min longitude of bounds.
      • getBottomRight

        public LatLon getBottomRight()
        Returns the bottom-right point.
        The bottom-right point
      • getBottomRightLat

        public double getBottomRightLat()
        Returns the latitude of bottom-right point.
        The latitude of bottom-right point
      • getMinLat

        public double getMinLat()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns min latitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for getMin().lat().
        Specified by:
        getMinLat in interface IBounds
        min latitude of bounds.
      • getBottomRightLon

        public double getBottomRightLon()
        Returns the longitude of bottom-right point.
        The longitude of bottom-right point
      • getMaxLon

        public double getMaxLon()
        Description copied from interface: IBounds
        Returns max longitude of bounds. Efficient shortcut for getMax().lon().
        Specified by:
        getMaxLon in interface IBounds
        max longitude of bounds.
      • getIndex

        byte getIndex​(int level)
      • toRectangle

        public java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D toRectangle()
        Converts the bounds to a rectangle
        The rectangle in east/north space.
      • hashCode

        public final int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public final boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • bboxIsFunctionallyEqual

        public boolean bboxIsFunctionallyEqual​(BBox other,
                                               java.lang.Double maxDifference)
        Check if bboxes are functionally equal
        other - The other bbox to compare with
        maxDifference - The maximum difference (in degrees) between the bboxes. May be null.
        true if they are functionally equivalent
      • bboxesAreFunctionallyEqual

        public static boolean bboxesAreFunctionallyEqual​(BBox bbox1,
                                                         BBox bbox2,
                                                         java.lang.Double maxDifference)
        Check if bboxes are functionally equal
        bbox1 - A bbox to compare with another bbox
        bbox2 - The other bbox to compare with
        maxDifference - The maximum difference (in degrees) between the bboxes. May be null.
        true if they are functionally equivalent
      • isValid

        public boolean isValid()
        Determines if the bbox covers a part of the planet surface.
        Specified by:
        isValid in interface IBounds
        true if the bbox covers a part of the planet surface. Height and width must be non-negative, but may (both) be 0.
      • isInWorld

        public boolean isInWorld()
        Determines if the bbox is valid and covers a part of the planet surface.
        true if the bbox is valid and covers a part of the planet surface
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toStringCSV

        public java.lang.String toStringCSV​(java.lang.String separator)
        Creates a CSV string for this bbox
        separator - The separator to use
        A string
      • toImmutable

        public BBox toImmutable()
        Returns an immutable version of this bbox, i.e., modifying calls throw an UnsupportedOperationException.
        an immutable version of this bbox
        17862 (interface)