meta {
        title: "new parking features";
        description: 'Display the new parking features from "Proposed_features/parking" (see link).';
        version: "1.4_2018-03-24";
        author: "Mario Schütze";
        link: "";

meta[lang=de] {
        title: "neue Parkplatz Features";
        description: 'Zeigt die neuen Parkplatz Features aus "Proposed_features/parking" (siehe Link).';

relation[site=parking][amenity=parking][type=site] > way[amenity=parking_space] {
        color: green;
        width: 5;

node[amenity=parking_entrance] {
        symbol-shape: circle; 
        symbol-size: 13; 
        symbol-fill-color: #f7efb7;
        symbol-fill-opacity: 0.5;
        symbol-stroke-width: 2;
        symbol-stroke-color: #f7efb7;

relation[site=parking][amenity=parking][type=site] > node[amenity=parking_entrance] {
        symbol-shape: circle; 
        symbol-size: 13; 
        symbol-fill-color: #f7efb7;
        symbol-fill-opacity: 0.5;
        symbol-stroke-width: 5;
        symbol-stroke-color: green;

area[amenity=parking_space] {
        fill-color: #f7efb7;
        fill-opacity: 0.3;
        text: capacity;
        text-position: center;

relation[site=parking][amenity=parking][type=site] {
        text: name;
        icon-image: "presets/vehicle/parking/parking.svg";


Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on 2018-03-24T15:16:18+01:00
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