<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <presets xmlns="http://josm.openstreetmap.de/tagging-preset-1.0" author="ssherpa" version="1.55_2022-02-07" shortdescription="Power Line Mapping " description="Power Line Mapping ZECO"> <!-- The variables "revision" and "date" in the version are required for automatic updates. Don't replace them by current numbers. --> <group name="Power Line Mapping ZECO" icon="presets/power/power.svg"> <item name="Transformer" icon="presets/power/transformer.svg" type="node"> <key key="power" value="transformer" /> <text key="name" text="Transformer Name/Code " /> <space /> <combo key="rating" values="1600,1500,1000,500,400,300,315,250,200,150,100,50" display_values="1600,1500,1000,500,400,300,315,250,200,150,100,50" text="Power Rating/Capacity(kVA)" /> <space /> <text key="voltage:primary" text="Primary/Input Voltage" /> <space /> <text key="voltage:secondary" text="Secondary/Output Voltage" /> <space /> <combo key="operator" text="Feeder Name" values="BAMBI, COTEX, DOLE, FUMBA, JANGOMBE, KILIMAHEWA, MPENDAE, MARUHUBI,MAZIZINI,NEW FUMBA,NEW NORTH,NEW SOUTH,OLD NORTH,OLD SOUTH,SAATENI 5,SAATENI 6"/> <space/> <text key="ref" text="Equipment ID" /> </item> <item name="MV Power Line" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg" type="way"> <key key="power" value="line" /> <text key="name" text="Feeder Name" /> <space/> <text key="voltage" text="Voltage" /> <space/> <combo key="operator" text="Feeder Name" values="BAMBI, COTEX, DOLE, FUMBA, JANGOMBE, KILIMAHEWA, MPENDAE, MARUHUBI,MAZIZINI,NEW FUMBA,NEW NORTH,NEW SOUTH,OLD NORTH,OLD SOUTH,SAATENI 5,SAATENI 6"/> <space/> <text key="cables" text="Amount of conductors" /> <combo key="wires" text="Amount of wires per conductor" values="single,double,triple,quad,fivefold,eightfold" /> <combo key="power:gauge" text="Conductor Size specified in mm" values="100,150" /> </item> <item name="LV Power Line" icon="presets/transport/way/way_secondary.svg" type="way"> <key key="power" value="minor_line" /> <text key="name" text="Line Name" /> <space/> <text key="voltage" value="415" text="Voltage" /> <space/> <combo key="operator" text="Feeder Name" values="BAMBI, COTEX, DOLE, FUMBA, JANGOMBE, KILIMAHEWA, MPENDAE, MARUHUBI,MAZIZINI,NEW FUMBA,NEW NORTH,NEW SOUTH,OLD NORTH,OLD SOUTH,SAATENI 5,SAATENI 6"/> <space/> <space/> <text key="ref" text="Equipment ID" /> <text key="ref:upriser" text="LV Unit or Upriser" values="1,2,3,4" /> <text key="cables" text="Amount of conductors" /> <combo key="wires" text="Amount of wires per conductor" values="single,double,triple,quad,fivefold,eightfold" /> <combo key="power:gauge" text="Conductor Size specified in mm" values="100,150" /> </item> <item name="Substation" icon="icons/power_substation.n.svg" type="node,closedway"> <link href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:power=substation" de.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/DE:Tag:power=substation" it.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Tag:power=substation" ru.href="https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:Tag:power=substation" /> <label text="Edit Power Substation" /> <space /> <key key="power" value="substation" /> <text key="name" text="Name" /> <combo key="substation" text="Type of substation" values="injection,transmission,distribution,converter,compensation,transition,traction,industrial" values_context="power" /> <combo key="location" text="Location" values="outdoor,indoor,underground,platform,kiosk" values_context="power" /> <combo key="voltage" text="Voltage" values="132000,330000" /> <combo key="frequency" text="Frequency in Hertz (Hz)" values="50,60" length="5" /> <space /> <text key="ref" text="Equipment ID" /> </item> <item name="Generation" icon="icons/power_station.svg" type="node"> <key key="power" value="plant" /> <text key="name" text="Generation Name " /> <space /> <text key="generator:source" text="Source Type " /> <space /> <text key="generator:output:electricity" text="Electric capacity (MW) " /> <space /> <text key="ref" text="Equipment ID" /> </item> <item name="End Pole" icon="presets/power/pole.svg" type="node"> <key key="power" value="pole" /> <space/> </item> <item name="T-Off" icon="selectall.svg" type="node"> <key key="power" value="TEE-OFF" /> <space/> <text key="notes" text="Number of Branches at this Tee-off"/> <space/> </item> </group> </presets>
Presets_Power_Mapping_Utility_Simple-preset.xml, Presets_Power_Mapping_Utility_Simple.zip
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3 years ago
Last modified on 2022-02-07T21:47:11+01:00
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