<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<presets xmlns=""
  shortdescription="Drinks (key drink:*)"
  de.shortdescription="Getränke (Schlüssel drink=*)"
  ru.shortdescription="Напитки (ключ drink:*)"
  description="Describes which specific drink you can obtain in places"
  ru.description="Позволяет указать, какой напиток вы можете испити или купити в заведении">

  <chunk id="drink_values">
    <list_entry value="yes" de.display_value="ja" ru.display_value="да"
      short_description="if the drink is available (without specifying the manner of its availability)"
      de.short_description="wenn nur bekannt ist, dass es das Getränk gibt " />
    <!-- <list_entry value="retail" ru.display_value="в розницу"
      short_description="for resellers" /> -->
    <list_entry value="served" de.display_value="serviert" ru.display_value="в бокале/чашке"
      short_description="for restaurants, bars, clubs, shops, etc who are serving the drink"
      de.short_description="wenn das Getränk serviert wird " />
    <list_entry value="bottled" de.display_value="abgefüllt" ru.display_value="в бутылке"
      short_description="if the drink is bottled"
      de.short_description="wenn das Getränk in Flaschen abgefüllt ist" />
    <list_entry value="draught" de.display_value="ausgeschenkt" ru.display_value="в разлив"
      short_description="if the drink is draught"
      de.short_description="wenn das Getränk ausgeschenkt wird" />

  <group name="Facilities" icon="presets/accommodation/hotel.svg">
    <group name="Food+Drinks" icon="presets/food/restaurant.svg">
        name="Drinks (detail)""Getränke (Detail)""Напитки (детализация)"
        icon="presets/shop/beverages.svg" type="node,closedway,multipolygon" preset_name_label="true" >
        <link href="" text="Go to taginfo" ru.text="Посмотреть на taginfo" />
        <link href="" />
        <space />
        <combo key="drink:beer" text="beer" ru.text="пиво" de.text="Bier" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:cider" text="cider" ru.text="сидр" de.text="Cider (Apfelschaumwein)" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:club-mate" text="Club Mate" de.text="Club Mate" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:coffee" text="coffee" ru.text="кофе" de.text="Kaffee" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:cognac" text="cognac" ru.text="коньяк" de.text="Cognac" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:gin" text="gin" ru.text="джин" de.text="Gin" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:hot_chocolate" text="hot chocolate" ru.text="какао (горячий шоколад)" de.text="Kakao/heiße Schokolade" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:juice" text="juice" ru.text="сок" de.text="(Frucht-)Saft" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:kvass" text="kvass" ru.text="квас" de.text="Kwas/Kwass (alkohol. Getr. aus gegorenem Brot, Mehl und Malz)" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:lemonade" text="lemonade" ru.text="лимонад" de.text="Limonade" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:liquor" text="liquor" ru.text="ликёр" de.text="Spirituosen" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:milk" text="milk" ru.text="молоко (обработанное)" de.text="Milch" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:mors" text="mors" ru.text="морс" de.text="Mors (russisches Saftgetränk)" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:raw_milk" text="raw milk" ru.text="молоко (сырое)" de.text="Rohmilch" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:rum" text="rum" ru.text="ром" de.text="Rum" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:sake" text="sake" ru.text="саке" de.text="Sake" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:soda" text="soda" ru.text="вода (газированная)" de.text="Sprudelwasser" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:soft_drink" text="soft drink" ru.text="безалкогольные напитки" de.text="Erfrischungsgetränk (Softgetränk)" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:soy_milk" text="soy milk" ru.text="соевое молоко" de.text="Sojamilch" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:sparkling_wine" text="sparkling wine" ru.text="игристое вино" de.text="Schaumwein" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:tea" text="tea" ru.text="чай" de.text="Tee" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:vodka" text="vodka" ru.text="водка" de.text="Vodka" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:water" text="water" ru.text="вода" de.text="Wasser" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:whisky" text="whisky" ru.text="виски" de.text="Whisky" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <combo key="drink:wine" text="wine" ru.text="вино" de.text="Wein" match="key" >
          <reference ref="drink_values" />
        <!-- maybe it will be better to disable the `preset_link` lines below -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Alcohol" /> <!-- sorting group #1 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Beverages" /> <!-- sorting group #1 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Kiosk" /> <!-- sorting group #2 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Bar" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Beer Garden" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Cafe" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Fast Food" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Pub" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->
        <preset_link preset_name="Restaurant" /> <!-- sorting group #3 -->


Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 2019-07-25T00:27:28+02:00
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