98 | | * to use additional java options just add them right after "java" |
99 | | |
100 | | If you for example have experienced the "Out of memory" warning (e.g. trying to load geo-tagged photos to JOSM) you would start JOSM like this: |
101 | | {{{ |
102 | | #!sh |
103 | | java -Xmx512M -jar FOLDER/josm-latest.jar |
104 | | }}} |
105 | | |
106 | | This would allow JOSM to use up to 512 MB of RAM (memory). The java option "-Xmx512M" set's the maximum Java heap size to 512 MB. You are free to replace -Xmx512M by any number appropriate for your system (e.g. -Xmx2048M or even more). |
107 | | |
108 | | By the way. To get an overview of all Java start options you can type in: |
109 | | {{{ |
110 | | #!sh |
111 | | java -help |
112 | | }}} |
113 | | |
114 | | 4. If you are using the Mac OS X Package and want to alter a startup parameter permanently, then you will need to alter the Info.plist file within the /Applications/JOSM.app/Contents directory. For example, to increase the maximum Java heap size from 512MB to 2048MB, either using the terminal or XCode, in the JVMOptions key alter the entry ''-Xmx512m'' to ''-Xmx2048m''. |