
Mapillary filter panel

The Mapillary filter panel allows the user to temporarily hide sequences and images based on one (or multiple) filters.

Textual explanations

Image filtering - fields 1-9 and 19

Field number Name Description
1 Downloaded Images Show/hide downloaded images. If it is selected, download images are shown.
2 imported images Show/hide imported images. If it is selected, download images are shown.
3 Not older than: Filter out images that are older than the specified time frame. Updates the field for (4).
4 Start Filter out images that were taken prior to the specified date.
5 End Filter out images that were taken after the specified date.
6 User Only show images from the specified user. This is freeform, so check your spelling.
7 Org Only show images from the specified organization. This is only shown if you are logged in, since that is the only method to get organization names at this time.
Camera Make
Image Quality
8 Only images with signs Only show images with signs. Specific signs can be filtered for in a dialog that shows when "Choose signs" is selected.
9 Panoramas only Only show panoramas (i.e., 360 images)

object detections - fields 10-18

Field number Name Description
10 First Seen Start Filter out objects that were first seen prior to the specified date.
11 First Seen End Filter out objects that were first seen after the specified date.
12 Last Seen Start Filter out objects that were last seen prior to the specified date.
13 Last Seen End Filter out objects that were last seen after the specified date.
14 Smart Edit Mode Enable smart edit mode. This mode filters out objects that do not currently have a mapped JOSM preset. It also makes other modifications throughout the program.
15 Layer Filter area (18) to only show detections that contain any of the entered words
16 Show Relevant Only show relevant detections. This requires that a object detection layer to be downloaded. At the time of writing, you do have to toggle this on and off in order for it to work properly after downloading a detection layer.
17 Select Visible Select/deselect the detections in area (18) that are currently visible (this includes those visible via scrolling).
18 Select or deselect specific detection classes. Selected classes are filtered out.
19 button Update Update filtered Mapillary images based off of the settings in the dialog
20 button Reset Reset all filters

pagination controls for area (18) - fields 21-23

Field number Name Description
21 Show the previous page of items Show the previous page of results for area (18).
22 Set the number of results per page for area (18).
23 Show the next page of results for area (18).

Mapillary Filter Dialog, most relevant optionsMapillary Filter Dialog, pagination area

See also

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Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 2021-06-21T10:05:50+02:00

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