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Tags/Membership Context Menu
You get this context menu when you select an object and right click on an entry in the list of the Tags/Membership panel.
Standard menu items
The items in the context menu depend on the table and area you click.
Right click on a tag in tags table
Icon | Name | Shortcut | Description |
| Add | Alt+A | opens the add value dialog to add a tag |
| Edit | Alt+S | opens the add value dialog to edit a tag |
| Delete | Delete | deletes a tag |
| Paste Value | pastes the content from clipboard as value | |
| Copy Value | copies all values of all selected tags | |
| Copy selected Key(s)/Value(s) | copies all selected tags | |
| Copy all Keys/Values | copies all tags of all selected objects | |
| Search Key/Value | searches and selects all objects with the same tag (key) | |
| Search Key/Value/Type | searches and selects all objects with the same tag (key) and the same object types | |
| Go to OSM wiki for tag help | F1 | opens the tag page at the OSM wiki |
| Go to OSM tag history | link to | |
| Go to taginfo | opens the tag page at taginfo with stats about the usage number of this tag | |
| Go to taginfo (Geofabrik) | optional item to open the tag page at the country-based taginfo instance of Geofabrik with stats about the usage number of this tag | |
| Open/View "link" Search on ... (Tag2Link) | optional items to open websites corresponding to the selected keys, like website , url or wikidata , in the external web browser
Right click on empty space in tags table
Icon | Name | Shortcut | Description |
| Add | Alt+A | opens the add value dialog to add a tag |
Right click on a parent relation in memberships table
Icon | Name | Shortcut | Description |
| Edit | Alt+S | opens the relation editor to edit the relation |
| Delete | Delete | deletes the objects' memberships of selected relations |
| Select in relation list | selects the selected relations in the relation list | |
| Select relation | selects the selected relations in main selection | |
| Select relation (add) | selected relations are added to the main selection | |
| Select members | selects all members of selected relations | |
| Select members (add) | all members of selected relations are added to the main selection | |
| Download with members | downloads the selected relations with all members, except for new relations. Usually, this results in less network traffic than downloading only the members but may update the relations and their member lists which might be unpleasant when undeleting or reverting objects. | |
| Download members | downloads all members of selected relations | |
| Download incomplete members | downloads all incomplete members of selected relations | |
| Go to OSM wiki for tag help | F1 | opens the tag page at the OSM wiki |
| Go to taginfo | opens the relation type page at the taginfo with stats about the usage number of the relation type | |
| Go to taginfo (Geofabrik) | optional item to open the relation type page at the country-based taginfo instance of Geofabrik, with stats about the usage number of the relation type | |
| Open/View "link" Search on ... (Tag2Link) | optional items to open websites corresponding to keys of selected relations, like website , url or wikidata , in the external web browser
Additional menu items
There can be more context menu items depending on the plugins installed. Plugins, which can add items to this context menu are:
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Last modified
4 years ago
Last modified on 2021-05-01T17:33:40+02:00
See TracWiki
for help on using the wiki.