Changes between Version 1 and Version 12 of Help/Menu/Mode

(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)
(multiple changes)


  • Help/Menu/Mode

    v1 v12  
    23= Mode Menu =
     4''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`Alt+M`**
    4 The mode menu lists all working modes of JOSM. These are available in the [wikitr:/Help/EditToolbar Edit Toolbar] too and explained there. Plugins can add additional working modes.
     6The Mode menu lists all Working modes available to JOSM and shows the current one.
     8The Mode menu can help users to quickly enter another Working mode.
     10== Working mode ==#Workingmode
     11The effect of a mouse click in the [wikitr:/Help/MapView Mapview] is determined by the Working mode.
     12Therefore JOSM has a current Working mode at **all times**.
     14Usually another Working mode is entered with a keystroke.
     15Additionally the buttons visible in the upper half of the [wikitr:/Help/EditToolbar#Workingmodes Edit toolbar] allow entering a Working mode.
     17Most Working modes have individual icons for the mouse pointer.
     18Further information about the next mouse click is also shown at the right hand side of the [wikitr:/Help/StatusBar Status bar].
     20||=  **Icon**  =||= **Name** =||= **Shortcut** =||= **Description** =||
     21||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/move/move)]] \\ \\ [[JOSMImage(mapmode/rope)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Select Select mode] (rect.) \\ \\ [wikitr:/Help/Action/LassoMode Lasso mode (freely)]  ||  `S` \\ \\ `S` `S`  || Select [wikitr:/Help/Concepts/Object objects] to move, rotate and scale them. \\ Press `S` again to switch between a rectangular or a freely dragged catch area. ||
     22||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/node/autonode)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw Draw mode] ||  `A`  || Draw nodes and ways. Press `A` again for [wikitr:/Help/Action/Draw/AngleSnap Angle snapping] ||
     23||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/zoom)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Zoom Zoom mode] ||  || Zoom with a rectangle ||
     24||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/delete)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Delete Delete mode] ||  `Ctrl+Delete`  || Delete objects or way segments  ||
     25||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/parallel)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Parallel Parallel mode] ||  `Shift+P`  || Creates parallel copy of ways  ||
     26||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/extrude/extrude)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Extrude Extrude mode] ||  `X`  || Create and edit way segments by extrusion  ||
     27||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/improvewayaccuracy)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/ImproveWayAccuracy Improve Way Accuracy mode] ||  `W`  || Improve geometry of ways ||
     28||  [[JOSMImage(mapmode/splitway)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/Split Split mode] ||  `Ctrl+Alt+F2`  || Split ways (since r18772) ||
     30Additional Working modes can be added by [wikitr:/Plugins plugins] installed. \\
     31For example:
     32||=  **Icon** =||= **Name** =||= **Shortcut** =||= **Description** =||
     33||  [[Image(/pluginicon/alignways.jar/images/alignways.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/AlignWayS Align Ways mode] ||  `Shift+N`  || Make ways parallel ||
     34||  [[Image(source:osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/measurement/images/mapmode/measurement.png,link=,middle)]]  || [wikitr:/Help/Action/MeasurementMode measurement] || || Measure distances ||
     35||  [[Image(/pluginicon/editgpx.jar/images/mapmode/editgpx_mode.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/EditGpx Edit Gpx tracks] || || Delete trackpoints of gpx tracks ||
     36||  [[Image(/pluginicon/contourmerge.jar/images/mapmode/contourmerge.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/ContourMerge Contour Merge] ||  || Merge and align the contours of areas. More infos at [wikitr:/Help/Plugin/ContourMerge Contour Merge]. ||
     37||  [[Image(/pluginicon/photoadjust.jar/images/photoadjust.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/PhotoAdjust Adjust photos] || || Move photos to adjust their geolocation ||
     38||  [[Image(/pluginicon/FastDraw.jar/images/favicon.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/FastDraw FastDrawing] ||  `Shift+F`  || Tracing forests, rivers, lakes, twisted roads etc. Without clicking `A` button or left mouse click too much. More infos at [wikitr:/Help/Action/FastDrawingMode Fast drawing]. ||
     39||  [[Image(/pluginicon/buildings_tools.jar/images/mapmode/building.png,link=,middle)]]  || [osmwiki:JOSM/Plugins/BuildingsTools Draw Building] ||  `B`  || Rectangular objects and/or basic shape of most man made objects. More infos at [wikitr:/Help/Action/DrawBuilding Draw building]. ||
     42=== See also ===
     43* [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Shortcuts Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts]
     44* The Mode menu was introduced in [/ticket/12662 October 2019].
     45  Its shortcut key was formerly assigned to the More Tools menu.
    7 Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main menu][[BR]]
     48Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu Main menu] \\
    849Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]