Unsaved Changes Dialog
This window will remind you to save your work when you try to delete an OSM data layer or a Notes layer, which are not yet uploaded or saved locally.
One unsaved data layer
If you don't want to discard your changes you should pick at least one option from this dialog.
For example, pick both "Upload" and "Save", then select a place where to save Data layer 1 (we used desktop location here)
If you press button "Perform actions before deleting": file will be saved, changes will be uploaded to main server:
Note that there are special behaviors for layers with the upload states "false
" or "never
" regarding this dialog, see Encourage/Discourage Upload.
See also
Upload data
- Autosave function and respective settings - it may help you only if:
- autosave was triggered recently
- you didn't press "Delete now!" in Unsaved changes window
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Attachments (3)
- UnsavedChanges1.png (8.3 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- UnsavedChanges2.png (8.2 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
- UnsavedChanges3.png (8.5 KB ) - added by 8 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip