
Version 91 (modified by leni, 5 years ago) ( diff )

added #16255

This page might need some clean up and more internal links.

Tags/Membership panel

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/propertiesdialog.svg Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+P — one of the JOSM panels


This panel shows the existing tags for the selected objects in Map view, and allows you to add, edit, or delete tags.

The keys and values in use in OpenStreetMap can be found using multiple ways.

Note: You can also add tags to selected object using presets, it is covered in presets introduction.

Try it yourself

Open this sample file by using the menu item File > Open Location ... (Ctrl+L).

Overview of this panel

The three parts, Preset Links, Filter and Tags Table, are only shown if selection includes at least one object with tag.


In the header, the counts for currently selected objects in Map view are shown - objects, tags and memberships, if selection includes at least one objects with tag or membership.

complete screenshot better version Icons and the names of presets, namely:

  • All matching presets for single object, if only one object was selected
  • Common presets of selected objects (set intersection and result set may be empty because there no common preset(s) for all objects)
    • Annotations presets (notes or address) will be displayed if at least one object has such tag

Possible activation: Left mouse click on the preset will open the preset, as is shown in Introduction.

Filter Tags

Tag filter with same syntax as Search:

  • Simple string (such as Rome will searched both in values and in keys (i.e. if you add tag "Rome"=yes it will be matched against "Rome" search)
  • "addr:city":ome or "addr:city":Rome) will match addr:city=Rome tag

All tags not matching the filter are omitted from Tags Table below.

Tags Table

The table shows the tags as key/value pairs and, additionally, some empty space below. Depending on Filter Tags above some or all tags may be omitted.

  • key/value pairs for single selected object
  • annotated summary for multiple selected objects where the values are:
    • value, if all objects have the tag
    • <number 'value', number unset>, if a number of objects have the tag and the other number of object do not have the tag
    • <number different>, if all objects have the tag but with the number of different values
    • <number different, number unset>, if some objects have the tag but with the number of different values and the other number of object do not have the tag

Possible activation:

Membership Table

The table shows information about memberships of selected objects in relations. The table is only shown if any object in selection is member of a relation.

Member of
shows the type of relation, its name (value of name=* tag), the total number of members and its state - incomplete if the relation is not downloaded completely.
shows the roles as:
  • empty or role, if all object have no role or all have the same role
  • <different>, if objects have different roles or some objects have a role and some have not.
  • Double clicking on the role column in the membership dialog opens the following prompt to edit the relation roles.

Note: Objects without parent relations in local data layer can have parent relations on the server

Possible activation:

Panel Buttons

Basic usage is covered in adding tags introduction.
Panel buttons are visible by default, see (JOSM interface customization)

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/add.svg Add (Alt+A)

Alternative activation steps covered in overview section above.

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/edit.svg Edit (Alt+S)

  • Change selected key/value pair using the Change value dialog - if tag was selected.
  • Open relation editor - if relationship was selected.

Alternative activation steps covered in overview section above.

source:trunk/resources/images/dialogs/delete.svg Delete (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+D)

  • Delete selected key/value pairs.

If you select one or several key/value pair in the tags table, and then click the Delete button they will be immediately deleted.


Single object without parent relations (note: you can click on headings to open complete presets):

without parent relations

Single object used in 3 relations at once:

When localized name tags are used, the language the abbreviation stands for is displayed behind the key:

Context Menu

See TagsMembership Context Menu

Advanced Preferences

Property Default Explanation
properties.presets.visible true If set to true, displays the list of presets matching the current tags. true If set to true, displays the list of presets matching the current tags above the list of tags, else below.
url.openstreetmap-wiki The address of the OSM wiki used to see the documentation of a tag.

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