Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of Help/Action/Extrude

2020-08-23T13:11:34+02:00 (5 years ago)

correct link; expert mode only; harmonize format syntax


  • Help/Action/Extrude

    v37 v38  
    33= Create Areas By Extrusion =
    5 [[JOSMImage(mapmode/extrude/extrude,middle,48,link=,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **{{{X}}}** — is one of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode#Workingmode working modes]
     5[[JOSMImage(mapmode/extrude/extrude,middle,48,link=,margin-right=20)]] ''Keyboard shortcut:'' **`X` ([ExpertMode expert mode] only)** — is one of the [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode#Workingmode working modes]
    77**Combination of parallel way segment movement and angle preserving drawing mode**.
    6767== Extrude usage on unclosed ways ==
    6868=== Drag end node with (`Ctrl`) ===#Ctrl
    7069Will extend way (move a node along segment):
    7473== Advanced Preferences ==
    75 * Color of main line: Defaults to {{{selected}}} color, but can be changed with [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preference] {{{color.extrude.main.line}}}.
    76 * Stroke of main line: {{{extrude.stroke.main}}}. Parameters: {{{<width>}}} for solid line (width in pixels), {{{<width> <dashlength> <spacelength>}}} for dashed line.
    77 * Stroke of old line (used while [#Ctrl moving segment]): {{{extrude.ctrl.stroke.old-line}}} (stroke parameters).
    78 * Color of helper line: {{{Extrude: helper line}}} in [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Display#Colors colors settings].
    79 * Stroke of helper line: {{{extrude.stroke.helper-line}}} (stroke parameters).
    80 * Size of right angle helper symbol: {{{extrude.angle-symbol-radius}}} (pixels).
    81 * [#Movenode Moving nodes] without the need of pressing {{{Ctrl}}}: {{{extrude.drag-nodes-without-ctrl}}} (boolean).
    82 * Ignoring shared nodes to avoid overlapping segments: {{{extrude.ignore-shared-nodes}}} (boolean).
     74* Color of main line: Defaults to `selected` color, but can be changed with [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Advanced advanced preference] `color.extrude.main.line`.
     75* Stroke of main line: `extrude.stroke.main`. Parameters: `<width>` for solid line (width in pixels), `<width> <dashlength> <spacelength>` for dashed line.
     76* Stroke of old line (used while [#Ctrl moving segment]): `extrude.ctrl.stroke.old-line` (stroke parameters).
     77* Color of helper line: `Extrude: helper line` in [wikitr:/Help/Preferences/Display#Colors colors settings].
     78* Stroke of helper line: `extrude.stroke.helper-line` (stroke parameters).
     79* Size of right angle helper symbol: `extrude.angle-symbol-radius` (pixels).
     80* [#Movenode Moving nodes] without the need of pressing `Ctrl`: `extrude.drag-nodes-without-ctrl` (boolean).
     81* Ignoring shared nodes to avoid overlapping segments: `extrude.ignore-shared-nodes` (boolean).
    8382 * If enabled (default), nodes shared with other way(s) are left untouched and new node is created to facilitate the extrusion. \\ [[Image(IgnoreSharedNodes-enabled.png,link=)]]
    8483 * If disabled, shared nodes are still part of the way, segments might overlap \\ [[Image(IgnoreSharedNodes-disabled.png,link=)]]
    85 * The extrude action will be performed only if the pointer moved more than specified distance: {{{extrude.initial-move-threshold}}} (pixels, default 1).
    86 * Changing the keyboard shortcut of [#Dualalignment Dual alignment mode]: Set {{{extrude.dualalign.toggleOnRepeatedX}}} to {{{false}}} to disable the default one, set new one via {{{Mode: Extrude Dual alignment}}} shortcut.
     84* The extrude action will be performed only if the pointer moved more than specified distance: `extrude.initial-move-threshold` (pixels, default 1).
     85* Changing the keyboard shortcut of [#Dualalignment Dual alignment mode]: Set `extrude.dualalign.toggleOnRepeatedX` to `false` to disable the default one, set new one via `Mode: Extrude Dual alignment` shortcut.
    89 Back to [wikitr:/Help/EditToolbar Edit Toolbar] \\
     88Back to [wikitr:/Help/Menu/Mode Mode menu] \\
    9089Back to [wikitr:/Help Main Help]