
Version 122 (modified by Hb---, 7 years ago) ( diff )

Radeinstell ung


This page provides basic JOSM installation steps and troubleshooting information. To start working with JOSM please see the Introduction and the Help pages. And for complex installation issues see InstallNotes.

Recommended options

source:trunk/images/openlocation.png Launch josm.jnlp (newest tested version)
Recommended version, all platforms, automatic update to the newest tested version monthly (how to launch).

source:trunk/images/download.png Download josm-tested.jar (tested version 19307)
All platforms (how to start).

All download options

Every month the team of JOSM releases a tested version. The MS Windows and Apple Mac variants are built on this tested version. When you click on josm.jnlp to launch JOSM you will always get the newest tested version. Java's Web Start is the mechanism behind this.

Every night the build systems generate a latest version. These versions might have severe errors or even crash. But mostly they work well, too. For the latest version is also a Web Start variant available.

Version OS Independent
OS Independent
Web Start
Windows Apple Mac Ubuntu, Debian… openSUSE
tested 19307 josm-tested.jar josm.jnlp setup.exe
(see below)
see below see below
josm-latest.jar latest.jnlp see below
older download/

When running scripts please first check on latest, tested or both to reduce download bandwidth.

Strip translations

If download size is an issue for you:

  • Append ?lang=… to the download link address for the tested version to strip unused translations (e.g. ?lang=de will download JOSM in German language only).
  • Note: Use underscore to separate language codes with country code extensions, e.g. ?lang=en_GB
  • Append ?unsigned=1 to strip the code signing information
  • When lang and unsigned are used the separation is a & sign like in ?lang=de&unsigned=1

The file size shrinks from .jar: 10.2M over .jar?lang=de: 8.2M to .jar?lang=de&unsigned=1: 7.7M (as of version 10786).



Tested version of JOSM is available in the Application:Geo repository.

First add as root user in yast or with zypper the repository (replace the version in the URL with the one you are using):

zypper ar -f Application:Geo

Then simply install josm and josm-fonts package.


This is a package repository primarily for Ubuntu. It should also work with other Debian based (especially Ubuntu based) distributions, but we do not actively test and maintain any distributions other than Ubuntu.
Note: in addition to the regular procedure described below, older DEBs can be manually downloaded from the archives for josm aka josm-tested and for josm-latest.

The repository contains two packages:

The tested version
Replaces the package from the official Ubuntu repository.
The development version (nightly build)
Can be installed parallel to the josm package. The default preference folder is ~/.josm-latest.


Edit the package resource list /etc/apt/sources.list:

sudo editor /etc/apt/sources.list

and add one of the following lines according to your Ubuntu-Version:

deb trusty universe
deb utopic universe
deb vivid universe
deb wily universe
deb xenial universe
deb yakkety universe
deb zesty universe
deb artful universe

Alternatively, this can be done with the following one-liner:

echo deb $(lsb_release -sc) universe | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/josm.list > /dev/null

For other Debian based distributions, add the following line:

deb alldist universe

Download and register the public key:

wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Now refresh your sources (you may need to install sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https)

sudo apt-get update

and install:

(You can skip the first line if you haven't installed these packages before.)
sudo apt-get remove josm josm-plugins
sudo apt-get install josm
sudo apt-get install josm-latest



When you double-click on a jar file and nothing happens in most cases this means Java isn't installed.

JOSM is tested and developed with Oracle JVM, therefore we recommend to get Java from their manual download site. Mind yoursystems architecture (32 or 64 bit) when choosing the installation. Java 64 bit is recommended for JOSM. Java is the common name for a product called Java Runtime Environment now or short JRE. Formerly other names were used. Please avoid the page because it tries to automatically detect your system architecture but fails much to often for being a real help. You do not need a Java-Plugin for your web browser to work with JOSM.

If you still can't download or install Java, visit Oracles troubleshooting pages for more information.

Java Test

Checks to see why JOSM is not starting, examples are for MS Windows.

  1. Download josm-tested.jar to your desktop.
  2. Open a Command Prompt aka Terminal
  3. Type cd %homepath%\desktop
  4. Type java -version ⏎ Three lines with Javas version data sould appear. When you see something else then Java is not properly installed.
  5. Type java -jar josm-tested.jar ⏎. Now JOSM should run, started from the Command Line.
  6. Quit JOSM.
  7. Type josm-tested.jar ⏎. If JOSM starts again, the Windows Explorer can start jar files when you by doubleclick them.

Launching JOSM via Web Start has many more error causes than traditional way with downloading a jar file and then running it. So please complete the Java Test above before starting further Web Start tests.

Web Start Test

  1. Download josm.jnlp to your desktop.
  2. Open a Terminal and move to the Desktop as above
  3. Type javaws josm.jnlp⏎. This should initially download JOSM, serve a security dialog and then launch JOSM.

Virtual Machine

Out of memory

For some tasks, JOSM has a large appetite for memory. On the one hand, it may be necessary to configure an [Help/CommandLineOptions -Xmx memory size] that supports more JOSM plugins and other JOSM editing features. On the other hand, slow with few memory resources, can be stabilized by restricting JOSM memory use. for example -Xmx256m or -Xmx1536m.

To avoid this, the assigned memory can be increased with -Xmx option, see Help/CommandLineOptions for details.

VM selection

On current versions of MS Windows by default Java is installed mainly in the C:\Program Files\Java\ directory. Additional parts are placed in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Java\. There .\javapath\ is the target for the PATH environment variable and virtual home for the three files java.exe, javaw.exe and javaws.exe.

On older versions of 64 bit Windows sometimes the 32 bit mode JRE was additionally installed. Also some browsers brought their own JVM with limited capabilities. In those cases a Web Start from the browser would not use your Java installation but that from the browser.

Check that there's no other javawebstart in \Windows\SysWow64. The Java control panel will not detect it and you can safely delete it. Perfom cleanup and only keep the latest versions of each JRE (One or the 32-bit mode, another one for the 64-bit mode).

For shortcuts created on the desktop for JNLP and running the Javawebstart launcher , make sure to pass VM parameters prefixed with -J and no intermediate space before the VM option. If you have installed both the 32-bit and 64-bit version, you should pass the option "-d64" if you want to select the preferred 64-bit VM. Note that some Oracle documentation pages indicate the option "-D64" with the incorrect capitalization!)

Example of an edited commandline for the shortcut created on the windows desktop after running JOSM just once from the JNMP and exiting:

<path>javaws.exe -J-d64 -J-Xmx2048m  localfile 

MacOS Errors

OS X "gatekeeper" results in this very misleading error dialog

If you get an error saying "'' is an application downloaded from the internet." you can bypass this by right-clicking on or josm.jnlp and selecting 'open'. You should then see the same message but this time with an option to "Open" regardless. This is only necessary on the first run of JOSM.

If you get an error saying "'' is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash", then you need to temporarily disable Gatekeeper. Open System Preferences and the 'Security & Privacy' options. Set 'Allow applications downloaded from:' to 'Anywhere'. If that radio button is missing from the Security & Privacy preferences panel, the following may be entered using the Terminal window to make it appear: Security & Privacy settings

sudo spctl --master-disable

Known issues

Not closed issues about ...:

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