Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Ticket #7807, comment 6

2012-06-24T17:30:13+02:00 (13 years ago)


  • Ticket #7807, comment 6

    v3 v4  
    11Can you explain why do you think it would be more complicated and when? In use cases, that I give in ticket user have not to learn nothing more. (he can (as before) use simple "pan" that draw raw line and than do as old-mans: ctr-c,ctr-shift-v, search again for presets and be confused about "selection unsuitable"....
    2 Or he can draw with pan that save last used state (and with this magic property it also can pick objects tags without ctr-c). Nothig can be simpler. 1 new pan. and 1 (or 2) new grid that show saved state of last point (and line). You may understand that as 1 (or 2) hidden object and obedient ~~black slave~~ little gnome who do ctrl-shift-V for you to set last used tags newly drawed points (and for lines).
     2Or he can draw with pan that save last used state (and with this magic property it also can pick objects tags without ctr-c). Nothig can be simpler. 1 new pan. and 1 (or 2) new grid that show saved state of last point (and line). You may imagine and understand this as 1 (or 2) hidden object and obedient ~~black slave~~ little gnome who do ctrl-C,ctrl-shift-V for you to set last used tags to newly drawn points (and for lines).
    44Think again about drawing power lines. And time that used for create new presets.