
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#7791 closed enhancement (invalid)

Visual Parking Lane

Reported by: mapali Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Layer, Park Lane Cc:



First of all, thanks for your incredible work with JOSM !

Currently, I focus my edits on parking lane [1].
When you had some of this information to a road nothing visually happens in JOSM.
Maybe, it could be nice to have this kind of improvements. For example, if a road got a parking:lane:right = parallel, we could represent it in a green parallel line. If it's prohibited the line could be in an red color and if it's not possible (eg fire lane) to stop the color could be in orange.

I made a simple example of my idea. In the first example it's only possible to park in parallel on the right of the roads. The second example it's almost the same but with a perpendicular park.

I think it could be a great help to specify parking lane and to see if a road got this information.

Thank you again.

Sincerely yours.



Attachments (2)

josm_parkinglane_parallel.png (39.4 KB ) - added by mapali 13 years ago.
Parallel Parking Lane
josm_parkinglane_perpendicular_.png (39.4 KB ) - added by mapali 13 years ago.
Perpendicular Parking Lane

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by mapali, 13 years ago

Parallel Parking Lane

by mapali, 13 years ago

Perpendicular Parking Lane

in reply to:  description comment:1 by anonymous, 13 years ago

Hi, Sorry for this tickets.
Indeed it's possible to do this things with the Parking Lanes style :


Replying to arnaud.sig@…:


First of all, thanks for your incredible work with JOSM !

Currently, I focus my edits on parking lane [1].
When you had some of this information to a road nothing visually happens in JOSM.
Maybe, it could be nice to have this kind of improvements. For example, if a road got a parking:lane:right = parallel, we could represent it in a green parallel line. If it's prohibited the line could be in an red color and if it's not possible (eg fire lane) to stop the color could be in orange.

I made a simple example of my idea. In the first example it's only possible to park in parallel on the right of the roads. The second example it's almost the same but with a perpendicular park.

I think it could be a great help to specify parking lane and to see if a road got this information.

Thank you again.

Sincerely yours.



comment:2 by bastiK, 13 years ago

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