
Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#7788 new enhancement

validator should accept some kinds of way overlaps

Reported by: A_Pirard Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core validator Version: latest
Keywords: overlap Cc: A_Pirard

Description (last modified by A_Pirard)

A convenient and sensible way to map ways is to

  • map the waterways in one thread at layer -2
  • overlap culverts and bridges at layer -1
  • map roads in one thread at layer 0
  • overlap road/railway tunnels at level 1

convenient: obviously easier not to have to tag many way segments all the same
sensible: for example,

  • a tunnel is not the river, it's something around it
  • a bridge is concrete under continued tarmac

in fact, the way runs uninterrupted.

Hence, JOSM should allow such overlap combinations and forbid others.
Or, even more simply, it should allow them because they're not at the same level=layer.

Note that it should be supported to map an overlapping segment even of the same kind and layer to add or modify a tag on a short distance. Say turn a tarmac road to cobblestone for 100m with overlap=cobblestone.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by A_Pirard, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by skyper, 13 years ago

Component: CoreCore validator
Keywords: overlap added

comment:3 by A_Pirard, 13 years ago

I have written a still unpublished draft related with this request:

I welcome any comment about it.

It contains a list of cases when JOSM shouldn't complain about overlaps of two ways:
1 either they are in different layers (n differs in layer=n)
2 or one of them contains the tag segment=yes
3 or they make the common "wall" between two closed ways, as between buildings (probably the sole exception)

1 and 3 are what this JOSM reports is asking.
I'd be glad to learn from you other exceptions to fill my text.


comment:4 by brycenesbitt, 12 years ago

Agreed: there are a number of valid overlaps that JOSM complains about, unnecessarily leading novice mappers to correct conditions that don't need correcting. The common wall issue is one I hit, because to do it otherwise leaves awkward seams between things that share a common wall.

comment:5 by skyper, 4 years ago

There is the proposed but inactive multilinestring relation among some others.

Do not know what to do with this ticket. At least, some examples might be useful.

comment:6 by GerdP, 4 years ago

Yes, "there are a number of valid overlaps that JOSM complains about" doesn't help.

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