
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#7139 closed defect (worksforme)

JOSM freezes, shortcuts changed

Reported by: dieterdreist Owned by: team
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by bastiK)

The current latest JOSM version has 2 fundamental problems:

  1. shortcuts for most actions get changed
    Repository Root:
    Build-Date: 2011-12-13 02:31:52
    Last Changed Author: simon04
    Revision: 4660
    Repository UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
    Last Changed Date: 2011-12-13 00:16:01 +0100 (Tue, 13 Dec 2011)
    Last Changed Rev: 4660
    loading plugin 'proj4j' (version 26986)
    GET OK
    Communications with established using protocol version 0.6.
    loading plugin 'undelete' (version 26928)
    loading plugin 'restart' (version 26731)
    loading plugin 'PicLayer' (version 27220)
    loading plugin 'dataimport' (version 26731)
    loading plugin 'reverter' (version 27159)
    RemoteControl: adding command "revert_changeset" (handled by RevertChangesetHandler)
    loading plugin 'osmarender' (version 26833)
    Registered toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.osmarender.OsmarenderPlugin$Action
    loading plugin 'tagging-preset-tester' (version 26986)
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'tools:taggingresettester' moved by 'tools:multipoly' to 'Alt+Umschalt+A'.
    loading plugin 'photo_geotagging' (version 26928)
    loading plugin 'licensechange' (version 27206)
    loading plugin 'measurement' (version 26731)
    loading plugin 'pdfimport' (version 26986)
    loading plugin 'ImportImagePlugin' (version 26986)
    loading plugin 'alignways' (version 26986)
    loading plugin 'public_transport' (version 26986)
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'menu:Public Transport' moved by 'menu:Presets' to 'Alt+A'.
    loading plugin 'buildings_tools' (version 26731)
    loading plugin 'multipoly-convert' (version 26928)
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'tools:multipolyconv' moved by 'tools:mirror' to 'Alt+Umschalt+M'.
    loading plugin 'OpeningHoursEditor' (version 26986)
    loading plugin 'utilsplugin2' (version 26986)
    Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ImportImagePlugin.LoadImageAction
    Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.osmarender.OsmarenderPlugin$Action
    RemoteControl::Accepting connections on port 8111
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'core_multikey:previousMarker' moved by 'tools:splitonintersections' to 'A'.
    Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.ImportImagePlugin.LoadImageAction
    Toolbar action without name: org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.osmarender.OsmarenderPlugin$Action
    Successfully loaded Bing attribution data.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'mapmode:draw' moved by 'core_multikey:previousMarker' to 'D'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'mapmode:delete' moved by 'mapmode:draw' to 'Alt+Umschalt+D'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'mapmode:parallel' moved by 'tools:pdfimport' to 'Alt+Umschalt+P'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'core_multikey:activateLayer' moved by 'tools:taggingresettester' to 'H'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'core_multikey:showHideLayer' moved by 'tools:sourcetag' to 'Umschalt+S'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:properties' moved by 'mapmode:parallel' to 'Alt+B'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'properties:add' moved by 'menu:Public Transport' to 'Alt+C'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'properties:edit' moved by 'menu:History' to 'Alt+D'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'properties:delete' moved by 'properties:edit' to 'Alt+G'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:authors' moved by 'tools:taggingresettester' to 'Alt+J'.
    Keystroke alt pressed J is already assigned to utilsplugin2.ExtractPointAction@6bbb36, will be overridden by org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog$ToggleDialogAction@1e655d8
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:conflict' moved by 'properties:add' to 'Alt+Umschalt+C'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'subwindow:mappaint' moved by 'tools:multipolyconv' to 'Alt+K'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:moveup' moved by 'menu:Selection' to 'Alt+O'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:remove' moved by 'subwindow:authors' to 'Alt+Q'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:sort' moved by 'menu:Tools' to 'Alt+X'.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:reverse' moved by 'menu:More tools' to ''.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:downloadincomplete' moved by 'subwindow:mappaint' to ''.
    Silent shortcut conflict: 'relationeditor:removeselected' moved by 'menu:History' to ''.
  1. JOSM freezes (no problem displayed in console output or .josm/josm.log). The system wasn't reacting at all (no alt-tab or similar), the only way I could return was to log into the system from a different terminal and kill the process.

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Change History (3)

comment:1 by bastiK, 13 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by bastiK, 13 years ago

Please try to reset preferences. (Btw. only install the plugins you need. Otherwise you are asking for trouble.)

comment:3 by dieterdreist, 13 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

seems gone. works for me.

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