
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#5859 closed enhancement (wontfix)

[PATCH/ICONS] update standard style for maxspeed (mappaint style)

Reported by: dieterdreist Owned by: team
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Internal mappaint style Version: latest
Keywords: patch icons internal mappaint style maxspeed Cc:


I created some icons and rules to optimize the maxspeed display in JOSM according to the actual restriction.
The attached icons should go into this directory: /images/styles/standard/vehicle/restriction
where you can substitute speed.png with the attached icons.

Unfortunately I don't know how to make a real patch, so I post here the modified file as attachment to replace this one:

I would also appreciate if the icons were available in the standard josm installation (and style). Note that I made 2 generalizations: maxspeed=7 is mapped on maxspeed=5 and maxspeed=8 is mapped on maxspeed=10 (for the icons). The used icons contain all valid traffic signs as used in Germany and Italy (e.g. in Germany there is no 25, 90 or 110 but in italy there is)

Attachments (2)

maxspeed_icons_16x16.tar.bz2 (15.1 KB ) - added by dieterdreist 14 years ago.
maxspeed icons
josm_maxspeed_elemstyles_mod.xml (11.2 KB ) - added by dieterdreist 14 years ago.
modified maxspeed ruleset mappaint style

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (15)

by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

maxspeed icons

by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

modified maxspeed ruleset mappaint style

comment:1 by stoecker, 14 years ago

You can create a ZIP file, which contains the XML as well as the icons and upload+enter it at Styles. The maxspeed.xml in SVN is not distributed officially.

Instead of uploading to the mentioned page, you also can host it yourself somewhere and only add the link.

comment:2 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Yes, I also think it is not helpful to have the maxspeed-tag-set highlighted on the ways (confusing if you are mapping other stuff). Would you integrate it if I modified the standard mappaint style so that it will only show the different icons on nodes? I use this a lot when mapping maxspeeds in this way (additionally to splitting the way and setting the maxspeed):
single node besides the way (to mark the direction the sign is valid) tagged with:

  • traffic_sign=maxspeed
  • maxspeed=50

Currently all maxspeeds are (in the default style) displayed as "60", but it would be cool to have the actual value there, that's why I prepared those icons.

comment:3 by stoecker, 14 years ago

I'd rather prefer when you can do it yourself.

  • It increases the count of available styles
  • You can do future updates yourself

It is really as simple as said. Put all in a zip and enter it at the styles page (you can test it local previously :-). When you add a path in the icon entry, then the same path must be inside the zip file - base directory of zip is also base icon directory. See Styles page for additional description.

I personally have an own maxspeed style, as you can see on the style page.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

I'd rather prefer when you can do it yourself.

  • It increases the count of available styles
  • You can do future updates yourself

Yes, sure, I already added it to the styles page in the JOSM wiki (as optional style). But it really is not a complete style. My question was if you would integrate it into the standard mappaint style (default), but not the way-highlighting, only the icons (instead of the one 60-speedlimit-icon there would be different icons for every speed limit). I will make the modification if you say that you will not refuse it.

comment:5 by stoecker, 14 years ago

There are maxspeed icons in default style?

I fixed the server code, so your style should now appear in the list. You forgot to add proper header information, so all informational fields are empty for now.

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

There are maxspeed icons in default style?

Yes, there is one (showing a "60"-restriction). The rule is in:
this line:


<condition k="maxspeed"/>
<icon src="vehicle/restriction/speed.png"/>


I think it would be a good benefit if these rules were amended for different values.

I fixed the server code, so your style should now appear in the list. You forgot to add proper header information, so all informational fields are empty for now.

cool, thank you for this. I was not sure how to set "headers". Excuse me for my ignorance. I am not a computer scientist, and only learning slowly how to do things, but I am generally interested.

comment:7 by stoecker, 14 years ago

Simply have a look at any other style ;-) The more headers you add, the better. So you can add German texts as well (see e.g. my maxspeed style).

Regarding new icons for standard-dir. Is there a requirement to add SVGs as well? This was managed by Ulf formerly which seems to be non-active currently. This is in normal OSM repository and not only used by JOSM.

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Simply have a look at any other style ;-) The more headers you add, the better. So you can add German texts as well (see e.g. my maxspeed style).

Regarding new icons for standard-dir. Is there a requirement to add SVGs as well? This was managed by Ulf formerly which seems to be non-active currently. This is in normal OSM repository and not only used by JOSM.

No, I can't provide SVGs. I was using a simple bitmap based program (GIMP) and have no higher resolution images neither. I produced them just for JOSM.

comment:9 by bastiK, 14 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Tagwatch reports 0.5% usage of maxspeed on nodes (and 99% on ways), so we shouldn't include this in the default style.

comment:10 by anonymous, 14 years ago

As it is available and working as additional style (I didn't know before how that worked) I'm fine with this decision, but I wanted you to know that I announced the style on our national mailing list and it was (as well as the idea to tag signs for maxspeed) generally well received, so I guess these numbers are growing. Of course as we also map implicit maxspeeds on ways, and as ways are often split, it will always be far more ways than nodes tagged (also in a theoretical "complete" state with all nodes and ways tagged).

in reply to:  9 comment:11 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Priority: normalminor

Replying to bastiK:

Tagwatch reports 0.5% usage of maxspeed on nodes (and 99% on ways), so we shouldn't include this in the default style.

You are already displaying maxspeed on nodes, this would have been an extension to show the correct speed. Wouldn't it be better to remove the signs on nodes then?

comment:12 by stoecker, 14 years ago

We now have a new WIKI method for styles and presets. Maybe you could join all these different maxspeed stiles (including my stile, the one from SVN, yours and ...) into one new style and we remove all the others?

Simply create a page like Styles/Maxspeed looking like Presets/OneClick or Styles/Modified. It automatically handles attached icons.

Regarding the maxspeed nodes --> I still don't see what they can be useful for, as you never know in which direction they have influence. You need to mark the way with the maxspeed anyway, so the nodes are either useless or superfluos.

in reply to:  12 comment:13 by dieterdreist, 14 years ago

Replying to stoecker:

Regarding the maxspeed nodes --> I still don't see what they can be useful for, as you never know in which direction they have influence. You need to mark the way with the maxspeed anyway, so the nodes are either useless or superfluos.

I thought like this as well, when I first heard about it in 2008 ("tagging signs? What the h###") ;-), but I found it very useful in the meantime.

The idea is to place the node aside the road (in countries with traffic on the right we place them right of the way direction they are valid for). It is useful to communicate to other mappers where you have spotted a sign, because often it is not clear where you have to split the way in order not to set a maxspeed too long on a way. This is nothing for routers of course, it is an idea to keep maxspeed more stable (otherwise the next mapper might delete your maxspeed on the whole way if he knows for a part that there is no sign, I have had this in the past). These nodes are usually tagged with traffic_sign=maxspeed, maxspeed=xy so it is clear that they are the signs. I do this for maxheight and maxweight as well (always additionally to the attributes on the way, and on the sign position with the traffic_sign tags). It is also useful to mark that you checked only one direction (usually the maxspeed is valid on both directions but there is exceptions). It is also to verify in the case of repeated maxspeeds that the restriction is still valid.

In Germany there is less issues with bad signs but in other countries, e.g. southern Italy, they put signs like "30" e.g. on a curve (without the curve additional sign) and then forget to release them, or there are rusty signs behind leaves and stuff like that. Have a look here for illustration: (this is a tertiary road, not a track, note the bus_stop)

Last edited 14 years ago by dieterdreist (previous) (diff)

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