
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5789 closed enhancement (fixed)

Get rid of E-notation in offset fields

Reported by: Zverikk Owned by: Upliner
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core imagery Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:


Values like 1,61836E-7 are very complex to parse and to read. I propose a simple solution: multiply both numbers by 1E10 and keep 3 or 4 digits after a point. If there's a need for E, just round it down to zero. Alternative method: recalculate it in centimeters and round to nearest integer.

To maintain backwards compatibility, just check whether the number is less than 1E-3.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by bastiK, 14 years ago

this is the offset in projected coordinates. In other projections it is in a normal range. I don't like your idea of multiplying it by an arbitrary constant. This just makes things more complicated.

comment:2 by Zverikk, 14 years ago

Does anyone use projections besides merkator? Even if so, the question is not of changing values, just making them user-friendly. You can't tell someone by the phone to enter offset 1,61836E-7 and expect to be understood on the first try. Also, if the offset is different in different projections, does that not complicate things?

If we're not creating global database for offsets to pass them as words, let's make current implementation as simple as possible, without all that scientific E-stuff.

comment:3 by bastiK, 14 years ago

Does anyone use projections besides merkator?

Yes, e.g.

You can't tell someone by the phone to enter offset 1,61836E-7 and expect to be understood on the first try.

Would you prefer 0.000000161836?

if the offset is different in different projections, does that not complicate things?

What do you suggest instead? We are at a point where it is still possible to change things, but not for very long. :)

comment:4 by Zverikk, 14 years ago

If it's possible to recalculate offset in centimeters, that would be ideal, I guess. One could find offset "200;15" and immediately understand that the imagery has to be moved 20 meters east and 15 centimeters north. It would be very rememberable.

And, at least, 1618.36 (which is multiplied by 1E10) is far better than 0.000000161836 :) Notation should be simple and short, that's all I propose.

comment:5 by Zverikk, 14 years ago

Since there is multiplier now, there is no need to keep E0/E1. Please remove it before josm-tested!

Also, check #5787 plz.

comment:6 by bastiK, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In [3948/josm]:

fixed #5789 - Get rid of E-notation in offset fields

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