
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#5661 closed enhancement (fixed)

allow to select timespan when downloading GPX traces

Reported by: Polarbear-j Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: GPX, time Cc:


When loading GPX traces it would be helpful to select a timeframe by date, i.e. before / after.

This becomes important if the road layout has changed after construction, e.g. a new roundabout built on a road, or the road re-aligned, to suppress the old traces before that work.

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comment:1 by stanton, 14 years ago

I recently thought of the same - but this may be an API limitation (havenÄt looked into the details, admittedly). From the tooltip I get for the downloaded GPX tracks I conclude that JOSM has a list of the tracks it has downloaded, with some metadata on them.

How about filtering downloaded GPX data? This would introduce the additional benefit of being able to switch between different sets of traces fairly easily without having to download again (the filter is probably best implemented per layer).

Filter criteria (rather typical use cases):

  • Only certain time range (e.g. after August 2009 - e.g. for the new road layout problem)
  • Only a certain season (e.g. only tracks created between December and April - useful for ski area mapping, to tell skiers' traces from those of the hikers)
  • Only with DOP better than X (allows to filter out low-quality garbage which can clutter up the view quite badly in urban areas)
  • By tags
  • or any other track/point data or metadata which OSM can get - the more flexible, the better

comment:2 by xeen, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In [4332/josm]:

add ability to select which tracks to show for each GPX Layer (fixes #4133 and #5661)

comment:3 by xeen, 13 years ago

DOP is not available from downloaded GPX data, at least not where I tried. If you open a GPX file manually DOP info could be extracted and could displayed along with name, description and length of the track (as an additional column to the table). Discarding all waypoints (even within tracks) that do not meet the criteria would be more effort. For common GPX files one records using a GPS tracker I believe setting JOSM to draw the dilation is suitable enough. If you think otherwise, please open a new ticket.

Last edited 13 years ago by xeen (previous) (diff)

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