
Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#46 closed defect (worksforme)

Adding nodes to ways creates separate segments

Reported by: barry.crabtree@… Owned by: imi
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: way segment Cc:


I'm struggling to reproduce this reliably, but I think I've found a problem with adding nodes to a way. What happens is this:

I create a way with a number of segments. Then realise that I need to refine it, so use 'add node into segment' to create some extra nodes in the way. Now, here's the bug. Sometimes when I move the nodes to get the shape I want everything is OK. Other times it looks like it's created two segments connected to the new point, but are not part of the way, so when I move the node it gives me a triangle with the original bit of the way as one side & the two new segments as the other sides! I've attached a jpg showing what it looks like (had to mock it up because I couldn't reproduce it ....).

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comment:1 by anonymous, 18 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

This happens, when two segments are on the exact same location (one of them beeing part of a way).

Tweety (Jörg Osertag) had some scripts to detect these errors, if you like to help fixing this.

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