
Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#2807 closed defect (invalid)

Missing Presets

Reported by: delta_foxtrot2 Owned by: ce
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Internal preset Version:
Keywords: Cc: delta_foxtrot@…


* Value 'secondary_link' for key 'highway' not in presets
* Value 'wood' for key 'surface' not in presets
* Value 'mall' for key 'shop' not in presets
* Value 'dirt' for key 'surface' not in presets
* Value 'waste_disposal' for key 'amenity' not in presets
* Key 'construction' not in presets
* Key 'loc_name' not in presets
* Key 'attribution' not in presets
* Key 'admin_level' not in presets
* Key 'old_name' not in presets
* Key 'usage' not in presets

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Change History (5)

comment:1 by delta_foxtrot2, 15 years ago

Cc: delta_foxtrot@… added

comment:2 by malenki, 15 years ago

There are a lot more tags which aren't in josm presets. Just enter them manually.

comment:3 by delta_foxtrot2, 15 years ago

This bug is related to #2803, where the validator plugin uses presets to display warnings about incorrect tags, if it's deemed that these tags would only clutter the interface then the issue comes back to a case of what I stated in #2803 where certain tags are ignored rather than displaying errors or warnings which only serve to confuse people.

comment:4 by delta_foxtrot2, 15 years ago

More, again I'm not sure if these should be added to presets or the validator plugin altered to not show these as warnings because they are valid tags.

  • Value 'taxiway' for key 'aeroway' is not in presets.
  • Value 'runway' for key 'aeroway' is not in presets.
  • Value 'terminal' for key 'aeroway' is not in presets.

comment:5 by delta_foxtrot2, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This has been fixed by the patches applied from issue #2803, I wasn't really trying to get more prefixes added, just get warnings from the validator plugin to stop showing.

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