
Opened 3 days ago

Last modified 2 days ago

#24234 new task

Update tag2link component

Reported by: leni Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 25.05
Component: Core tag2link Version:
Keywords: Cc: taylor.smock


It seems to me that the Automatic update for 2025.2.21 has not been taken into account :

My JOSM version is 19342
I can't find the changes to the Key:ref:UAI(see screenshot)

Attachments (1)

ref_UAI.png (37.8 KB ) - added by leni 3 days ago.

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Change History (18)

by leni, 3 days ago

Attachment: ref_UAI.png added


comment:1 by stoecker, 3 days ago

Milestone: 25.05

See also

Problem is that I really have no idea where and how the jar files have been created and pushed, so I need to reinvent it if nobody else does.

comment:2 by stoecker, 3 days ago

Ah, seems in principle it should work, but the GitHub action is broken ATM.

comment:3 by gaben, 2 days ago

That's my ticket btw. I've looked at the pipeline and it has weird logic so I started rewriting to make it simpler. I have a fork for the PR, but these changes haven't been commited yet.

comment:4 by stoecker, 2 days ago

I've seen that the release jar contains stuff not belonging (like the .git and .github folders), but yesterday didn't even find the exact place where the file is created.

comment:5 by leni, 2 days ago

I'm sorry I don't have the technical knowledge to help: I talked about it on the French forum.

comment:6 by stoecker, 2 days ago

Cc: taylor.smock added


Didn't expect that you can solve the issue. ;-)


From the workflow run it seems that in "release.yaml" the git stays on the previous git version instead of the newly created. Looks like an issue with parallel execution when going from scheduled_update.yaml to release.yaml. Then the exit function to prevent a bad upload kicks in.

comment:7 by taylor.smock, 2 days ago

Yes, there are some issue with parallel execution.
I always meant to make changes and see if I could fix it, but never got around to it.

I think I needed to make another workflow, and just have it triggered by the auto update. Either that or a git pull/git checkout master should do it in the tag action, and then checkout that tag in the next steps.

EDIT: To be clear, I'll look into it right now.

Last edited 2 days ago by taylor.smock (previous) (diff)

comment:8 by gaben, 2 days ago

@taylor, can you make a PR before merging? I'll try to add my changes from last month.

comment:9 by taylor.smock, 2 days ago


comment:10 by stoecker, 2 days ago

I now added a manual change to trigger release and that worked. ;-) Should be useful in case of future trouble...

Solving the automatic would be fine. The "git pull/git checkout master" would also have been my next try although it feels like a workaround. ;-)

I'm not really an GitHub workflow expert and also don't want to become one.

comment:11 by taylor.smock, 2 days ago

Fair. What I'm probably actually going to do is set a variable for the new HEAD, pass it to the tag action, and set a variable for that tag which I can use later. I'll have to read the GH Action docs again, but it is possible to do.

comment:12 by stoecker, 2 days ago

P.S. publish-npm-registry-github fails, but with the strange message that This command requires you to be logged in to instead of which I would expect for that action.

comment:13 by taylor.smock, 2 days ago

That is funny; it looks like it worked ( ).
When I took over the repo from simon04, I tried to make certain that the package locations stayed the same.

I might have to update the NPM publishing key for GH actions.

EDIT: NVM. publish-npm-registry-github, not publish-npm-registry-npmjs. Yeah. I never got that working. It was on my list of things to do, but I was only trying to make a change once per month (if I remembered).

Last edited 2 days ago by taylor.smock (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  13 comment:14 by stoecker, 2 days ago

Replying to taylor.smock:

That is funny; it looks like it worked ( ).
When I took over the repo from simon04, I tried to make certain that the package locations stayed the same.

I might have to update the NPM publishing key for GH actions.

EDIT: NVM. publish-npm-registry-github, not publish-npm-registry-npmjs. Yeah. I never got that working. It was on my list of things to do, but I was only trying to make a change once per month (if I remembered).

It is redundant I assume. So disabling would also be an option.

comment:15 by stoecker, 2 days ago

In 19365/josm:

see #24234 - update tag2link to 2025.3.21

comment:16 by taylor.smock, 2 days ago


It should checkout the right ref now. We'll see the month after I merge the changes. :)

I think it will work with @stoecker's manual action change.

comment:17 by gaben, 2 days ago

Thanks, I've added what I've done so far:

I'm in the middle of an import, but soon I can look into it. I think the build step can be put in a separate "reusable" step, in which case the version numbering across three files can be avoided.

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