
Opened 5 hours ago

Closed 4 hours ago

#24169 closed defect (worksforme)

Please open for wiki translations

Reported by: paleid Owned by: stoecker
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Trac Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Hi, i like to contribute translating the JOSM wiki pages, but I can not find any way to make new pages - for example a Norwegian version of the WikiStart page. It seems someone have to give me the permission to do this. Can you please help?

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comment:1 by stoecker, 4 hours ago

Component: CoreTrac
Owner: changed from team to stoecker
Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

Simply go to the page you want to translate and change the URL in the browser title line (adding Nb: in your case, note the Nb: always comes behind /wiki/, not at the latest element). Trac will then present you with a button to create the page.

Example: Nb:WikiStart

If you made an error ask in a ticket. Admins can rename pages.

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