
Opened 16 hours ago

#24058 new enhancement

Create tagging preset for man_made=charge_point

Reported by: thibaultmol Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:


The way that the charging station osm wiki page described tagging EV charging locations (if you want to map each detail)
is by mapping the charging station itself as an area and then inside that area mark each charger as a man_made=charge_point.

The advantage of this is that each charger can then have it's own specs added to it (which is hard or impossible to do if they're bundled together into one charging station object.)

The presets that should be shown for this are mostly the tags that are already exist on the charging station preset minus opening hours and other things that mainly belong on the overarching charging station area itself

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