
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#2389 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Style sheet system to visually enhance map data for editing

Reported by: Vidar Gundersen Owned by: team
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: color rendering stylesheet Cc:


I'd like to see extended support for custom display settings.

The motivation for this is to easily change the display to aid map editing for different purposes, e.g. mapping roads, urban areas, country side, hiking, cycling, etc. Well mapped areas have so much data now, it will be useful to filter the view for different purposes, and be able to quickly switch between those.

A quick thought on how this could be:
JOSM can construct a submenu from files found in a given folder, e.g. ~/.josm/styles/, where it lists all available mapstyles. The style files can be in a format similar to what used for mkgmap and css.

highway=motorway & highway=trunk { color=red; width=10; }
highway=footway & highway=path { color=green; width=2; line-style=dotted; }
highway=* { width=1; }
amenity=parking { symbol=img(; }

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

This is already implemented. See for more information. Currently there are no alternative styles, so no automatic menu handling has been implemented.

As sson as there are different styles to choose from, the menu-handling will be ready.

comment:2 by Vidar Gundersen, 16 years ago

A menu with a list of available styles would be a welcome enhancement.
The XML syntax is horrible, and a CSS inspired syntax will be much easier to work with.
Will also be easier to specify a path to a style file repository, and populate a list of available styles based on files found in that directory.

I also miss documentation for the details on writing styles, e.g.
which rule "win", and/or compined conditions.
How to change userinterface colors, the screen background color, selected lines, via a style etc.

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