Opened 12 months ago
Last modified 12 months ago
#23539 new enhancement
Split Way: offer choice of way(s)
Reported by: | kempelen | Owned by: | team |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | Core | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
When I try to split a way, but there are multiple ways in that node (overlapping or crossing), JOSM will just give up and tell me to select a way.
It should pop up a window to select which way(s) to split, allowing multiple selection.
In detail:
As Ticket #14720 also requests, there could be an option to split multiple of the affected ways. (I think iD editor can do a "Split all ways" if you select only the point, the scissor icon turns into two scissors - haven't tried though :-) ) My request would fix that ticket too.
A window could appear to select which ways to split, having an option to "All" or simply let the user select each item.
And when a way is clicked in it, the "Properties" window will need to reflect the properties, so that user can identify the ways. So I think the last clicked way would go to temporary "selection"(?) - while independent of that, the user could select one or more ways, which will be split.
What to do with "history" popup after all that - I don't know. :) I would be totally OK with selecting the history for each of the ways (ONE BY ONE), I am doing that carefully anyway.
Please note: I need these for multipoligon landuse lines, not road crossings, as original ticket mentioned. A totally different use case and needs.
Maybe the same feature could work with having multiple points selected, but in this case the list may need to be groupped by points, otherwise the list is unambiguous.
Thanks in advance!
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Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 12 months ago
comment:2 by , 12 months ago
Thanks for feedback.
The popup would not only help when multiple splits are needed. It would help those users who want to split only one of the affected ways. In some cases it is EASIER to choose from a list, especially in case of overlapping lines. And in multiple splits, this saves extra steps too.
My use case: we map landuse polygons with multipolygons, and I often need to turn non-multi to multi, a kind of "upgrade". That's because many mappers just draw around random objects they see, e.g. some forests, and so on and leave the area. They do not connect it into the multpolyon "system", and do not care about covering the rest of the area. Thus need a later update, with all these splits and removal of overlapping lines, while filling the "gaps" in the area. This feature would help in this work. But if multipolygons mapping is rare in general, then the feature may not be worth to make.
I think it would be - in general - user friendly to ask the user and complete the operation, instead of just giving up. (If not difficult to implement.) I don't think it should go to a plugin, this is a very basic user-experience improvement of a core feature.
This is not "expert" to ask the user "choose way a or way b". ;-) There are many such questions in JOSM already, that ask what the user prefers to do with certain things to finish the requested operation.
I don't see a benefit cp. to the current workflow. The major use case is to split exactly one way and if the action is ambiguous you see the request to select one. Repeating these steps for the usually rare cases where indeed two or three ways are to be split is not that much slower than working with an extra popup, is it?
Maybe this is a request for a utilsplugin2 feature or an expert option that would by default be disabled..