
#23437 closed defect (fixed)

[PATCH] Detect immediate exits after loading plugins

Reported by: taylor.smock Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 24.02
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:



JOSM keeps closing by itself
Hey guys, i installed lots of plugins and it tells me that some plugins needs to restart the app so i do it. But then while starting up several errors and warnings begin popping up randomly before moments later the app closes by itself. I tried to startup again and reinstall the app to delete it's data, but the same problem continues to happen again and again, and now i don't know how to fix it. Can you please help solve this problem?

What we should do:

  1. Set some kind of persistent (preference?) variable to indicate that we have started
  2. Increment that variable at most <x> (3?) times before we offer to reset JOSM after filing a bug report.
  3. If JOSM finishes startup, reset the preference variable

I think doing (1) immediately after setting up preferences would be ideal, and then (3) after all startup initialization tasks have finished.

Attachments (1)

23437.patch (2.3 KB ) - added by taylor.smock 12 months ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by GerdP, 13 months ago

Sounds okay to me. Just keep in mind that devs stop execution in all kinds of stages while debugging. I also often start a 2nd instance of JOSM by mistake and stop that 2nd instance asap. But of course I know what to do with a corrupted josm home directoy since I have many backups...

comment:2 by taylor.smock, 13 months ago

For the reset offer, I was thinking of an option pane that asked "JOSM has failed to finish startup <x> times. Do you want to try resetting JOSM?" instead of just resetting without asking. This check would be the first thing that happens after config setup.

I was also thinking of setting the min interrupted startups to something that most users won't accidentally hit (by force closing JOSM during startup, for example). I think 3 failed starts is a good initial number.

comment:3 by GerdP, 13 months ago

| 3 failed
Yes, I think Windows also uses that number. After three failed starts a minimal console starts which allows to repair the installation or install a backup etc but also offers to continue a normal start.

by taylor.smock, 12 months ago

Attachment: 23437.patch added

comment:4 by taylor.smock, 12 months ago

Summary: Detect immediate exits after loading plugins[PATCH] Detect immediate exits after loading plugins

comment:5 by taylor.smock, 12 months ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 19012/josm:

Fix #23437: Offer to reset JOSM if JOSM fails to finish startup multiple times

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