
Opened 20 months ago

Closed 20 months ago

Last modified 20 months ago

#23021 closed defect (wontfix)

preload of ALT-A

Reported by: Fred73000 Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:



according to this comment, I don't understand how works your preload of tags.
If you load by alphabetic order, name is before natural.
If you load by numeric order, with 96 084 571 names vs 61 013 313 natural (according to taginfo), name should be before natural.
How can be suggest natural before name when a mapper click on ALT-A + na ?

Best regards

note = I still don't use JOSM

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comment:2 by stoecker, 20 months ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

Sorry, but what do you expect? That josm does know what the users wants magically? When the user accepts auto-completed texts without verifying them, then there is simply nothing which can be done against this. Especially as most users use presets instead of directly typing the tags and thus can't create such error.

And the order depends mainly on the number of usages in the downloaded area and not the number of usages in taginfo as this information is not known to josm at all. And there are areas where natural is used much more than name, thus it's preferred by autocompletion there.

You could suggest to such users they should use the preset "Annotation/Name" (i.e. by putting that into the toolbar) instead of manually typing the tags, when they aren't able to verify they got the correct one.

comment:3 by ToniE, 20 months ago

It was my fault indeed.

Fmpov, autocompletion looks into my history of added tags.
So when I use name and natural in a mix, I have to be careful - which I'm obviously not all the time.

I'm using JOSM for 16 years now and am used to use the keyboard as much as possible.
I also don't have any presets, maybe I have but I'm not using them.

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