
#22451 closed defect (irreproducible)

Integration tests are failing without failing tests

Reported by: mdk Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Unit tests Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Actually the Integration tests are failing without failing tests. So I looked into the console output and found:
Build step 'Console output (build log) parsing' changed build result to UNSTABLE
I found only 3 warnings, which (in my opinion) could be the reason for this, but I'm not sure:

  1. errorprone
    [javac] Support for javac --release has been added in Java9 ignoring it
    [javac] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/JOSM-Integration/workspace/jdk/JDK8/src/org/openstreetmap/josm/gui/dialogs/relation/actions/ warning: [OperatorPrecedence] Use grouping parenthesis to make the operator precedence explicit
    [javac]         if (isUploadInProgress || oldRelation != null && oldRelation.getDataSet() != null && oldRelation.getDataSet().isLocked()) {
    [javac]                                                                                           ^
    [javac]     (see
    [javac]   Did you mean 'if (isUploadInProgress || (oldRelation != null && oldRelation.getDataSet() != null && oldRelation.getDataSet().isLocked())) {'?
  2. signature errors
    [as:check-signature] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/JOSM-Integration/workspace/jdk/JDK8/plugin-check/highwayNameModification.jar:com/kaart/highwaynamemodification/ModifyWays$CreateGuiAskDialog.class:199: Undefined reference:
    [as:check-signature] /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/JOSM-Integration/workspace/jdk/JDK8/plugin-check/highwayNameModification.jar:com/kaart/highwaynamemodification/ModifyWays$CreateGuiAskDialog.class:200: Undefined reference:
    [as:check-signature] Signature errors found. Verify them and ignore them with the proper annotation if needed.
  3. missing resource
    [copy] Warning: Could not find resource URLResource "" to copy.

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Change History (2)

comment:2 by mdk, 20 months ago

Resolution: irreproducible
Status: newclosed

Actual the test is green with no failing tests. So the problem is gone.

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