
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2159 closed defect (fixed)

[PATCH] slippy_map_chooser doesn't remember where I am when switching fullscreen mode

Reported by: lempp@… Owned by: jpstotz
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: Cc:


I often slip around the map in the slippy_map_chooser (because it's so incredibly fast compared to the web slippy map) and then decide that fullscreen mode would be better. So I click that button and the map jumps to whereever the selection is.
It would be better if the map stayed where it was when switching to fullscreen. (or when switching back from fullscreen)

Attachments (1)

SlippyMapChooser_ResizeBug.patch.txt (6.5 KB ) - added by jpstotz 16 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by jpstotz, 16 years ago

The bug you describe is caused by resizing the map area. It has something to do with a problem for initially centering on the selected area when opening the download dialog.
I will try to provide a patch within the next days.

BTW: Since rev 1390 slippy_map_chooser is a fixed part of JOSM - therefore the plugin slippy_map_chooser is/will be no longer needed.

comment:2 by jpstotz, 16 years ago

Component: PluginCore
Owner: changed from framm to anonymous
Status: newassigned
Type: enhancementdefect

comment:3 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Owner: changed from anonymous to jpstotz
Status: assignednew

comment:4 by jpstotz, 16 years ago

Summary: slippy_map_chooser doesn't remember where I am when switching fullscreen mode[PATCH] slippy_map_chooser doesn't remember where I am when switching fullscreen mode

Ok, I totally changed the initial area selection and therby fixed the bug. Additionally the patch contains some code clean-up changes.

comment:5 by stoecker, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Fixed in r1428.

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