Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #21163, comment 7

2021-08-04T01:21:55+02:00 (3 years ago)


  • Ticket #21163, comment 7

    initial v1  
    44I was not aware of the inner separator `;`. Now I found the spec [ here]. (Just adding it here for reference...)
    55> Patches are welcome. Please, always add [Patch] to the summary to have the ticket listed under Open tickets with patches attached.
    6 Ok. I will do so, when I fixed the stuff mentioned just above. Until that I will remove `[Patch]` from subject it again.
     6Ok. I will do so, when I fixed the stuff mentioned just above. Until that I will remove `[Patch]` from ticket subject again.
    77> Mmh, `access:lanes:forward:conditional=yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00); yes|no @ (Mo-Fr 06:30-19:00)` is incorrect in my eyes as twice the same value is strange. But I guess this is a general problem of the conditional tags so far, as the time spans are only checked singular and not as combination.
    88I only added that for showing the allowable format, not even thinking about checking overlapping time spans. But, I will also spend some moments on how checking this. ;-)