
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

Last modified 4 months ago

#21046 closed enhancement (fixed)

[PATCH] Slight change in list of naming tags for relations (was: Wish: if relation has neither "name", "ref", "note" show "description" as reference in the josm-windows)

Reported by: segubi Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 22.08
Component: Core Version: latest
Keywords: gui relation selection window Cc:

Description (last modified by segubi)

In josm the relations are shown in the windows selection and relations with their names. If the key "name" is missing, the content of "ref" then "note" is taken, otherwise it is only stated by the number of the relation.

I am working with unnamed routes where it would be appropriate to use the key "description" instead of a name to keep the relations in order during editing. At the moment I quite misuse the key "note" for this purpose.

But this is not a good idea as sometimes there is a need for using the key "note" in its proper way.

Thanks, S. Gürtler
If I could wish more, I'd like to have the key "description" in a higher priority than "note" so I could refer to the relation by the description and not the note if both exist.

Attachments (1)

21046.patch (599 bytes ) - added by segubi 3 years ago.

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Change History (9)

comment:1 by segubi, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

by segubi, 3 years ago

Attachment: 21046.patch added

comment:2 by segubi, 3 years ago

Summary: Wish: if relation has neither "name", "ref", "note" show "description" as reference in the josm-windows[PATCH] Slight change in list of naming tags for relations (was: Wish: if relation has neither "name", "ref", "note" show "description" as reference in the josm-windows)
Version: testedlatest

Added "description" in the list of tags used as "naming tags" in relations as alternative to the use of "note" and changed the order of these tags.

I assume this makes also sense for other uses to have the "description" with a higher priority than "note", for a description of an object is more an identifier than a note (usually note to other mappers) which is more a description of the mapping circumstances of this object.

It's my first patch - If I should do something other way I'd like to get feedback if possible.


comment:3 by taylor.smock, 3 years ago

Sorry that it took so long to get back to you -- if you don't see a response in two weeks, feel free to ping the ticket. See the last line on wiki:DevelopersGuide/PatchGuide.

Please be patient — there can be various reasons why your patch is not dealt with right away. If you don't get any reaction for two weeks, it may be a good idea to bring the topic up again and ask for a status update.

Anyway, stupid question on my end: Why not change the advanced preference relation.nameOrder? You can add description there. Beyond that, I'd probably add "description" after "note" by default.

comment:4 by segubi, 3 years ago

Thanks a lot for the reply. I'd have made use of pinging the ticket in the next time.
As I'm by no means deeply in the structure of josm this is no stupid question but a useful hint for me...
Adding description before note by default seems more logical to me, as the name is a kind of an identifier. The "description" of an object seems to me more suitable as identifier than a note. But of course this depends on the point of view.
Finally as I learned about the preference setting relation.nameOrder it is of no importance for me personally. But I still think it is a good idea to add description to the default settings.

Last edited 3 years ago by segubi (previous) (diff)

comment:5 by segubi, 2 years ago

... Hello, still I'd suggest that the change should be added to JOSM.
I'm dealing with a lot of relations without "name=" tag, where "description" is a much better use for describing and distinguishing them. I fear a bit that people could think that the relations only shown by numbers could be incompletely tagged, so that they could be tempted to make inappropriate changes. So the solution by changing the settings in JOSM is good for my workflow, but give a strange appearance in JOSM to other users.

If there are good reasons to give "note" a higher priority than "description"... be it. Main thing is to add "description" at all.

Sebastian Gürtler

comment:6 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Milestone: 22.08

comment:7 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 18542/josm:

Fix #21046: Add description to the default naming tags for relations

description currently comes before note, since description is
more likely to describe the object well for the mapper.

comment:8 by taylor.smock, 4 months ago

Ticket #21108 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

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