
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#18707 closed enhancement (fixed)

wikitr: hide (en) label for links from en_GB and en_AU (MOTD)

Reported by: Bjoeni Owned by: stoecker
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Trac Version:
Keywords: Cc: stoecker, skyper


See for example the Australian version, that page was recently updated with wikitr: links.

All links only exist in "normal" en (=en_US in our case) which means every link has the label "(en)" even though both source and target page are english, just different locales.
I'd suggest hiding that label when the language is the same (not just for english, even though that seems to be the only language with multiple locales in use at the moment, but also for cases like de_DE, de_AT, de_CH etc.)


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Change History (9)

comment:1 by Klumbumbus, 4 years ago

I too don't like the wikitr links on the startup page as the links look ugly in JOSM and we have currently only 2 tralslations anyway.

comment:2 by stoecker, 4 years ago

Fixed English dialects in TracLanguages.

For the other issues please find a solution.

comment:3 by stoecker, 4 years ago

My suggestions

  • Revert for Changelog links
  • I could try to add an option to suppress the additional text

in reply to:  3 ; comment:4 by Bjoeni, 4 years ago

Thanks! That was quick!

Replying to stoecker:

My suggestions

  • Revert for Changelog links
  • I could try to add an option to suppress the additional text

Doesn't that already exist?

Maybe. Symbol doesn't really matter for me. The main thing is to have some sign that the linked page is not in my language, but in base langugage.

That is default for wikitr: now and can be configured at TracLanguages for each language. Default is {t} ({c}) which leads to appending " (en)". To strip it when unwanted in special cases use an empty spec like wikitr::/Help/WhateverPage. You could set the default to {t} (анг) or whatever fits best into Russian pages at TracLanguages.

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by stoecker, 4 years ago

Replying to Bjoeni:

Doesn't that already exist?

Yes. Also found that after reading docs. The description needed some finetuning thought: WikiMacros.

Last edited 4 years ago by stoecker (previous) (diff)

comment:6 by stoecker, 4 years ago

So the additional colon should be enough to fix the ugly links.

comment:7 by Bjoeni, 4 years ago

Updated the wikitr: links in the news section
However double colon didn't work, so I had to use wikitr:{t}: (double colon was replacing the link text as well and hiding the link).
Might even be better since it won't get lost in translation that easily.

Do you want to modify the macro to make it work or leave it as is?

Last edited 4 years ago by Bjoeni (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  7 comment:8 by stoecker, 4 years ago

Replying to Bjoeni:

Updated the wikitr: links in the news section
However double colon didn't work, so I had to use wikitr:{t}: (double colon was replacing the link text as well and hiding the link).
Might even be better since it won't get lost in translation that easily.

Do you want to modify the macro to make it work or leave it as is?


comment:9 by Klumbumbus, 4 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I still don't really see the benefit from using wikitr: for the changelog page links, especially if on day the french or dutch page will no longer be updated we must go back to wiki: links for that language, as in this case we should really better link to the english page than to the translated changelog which misses the last 2 months.
However as the display is fixed and it is working right now I guess we can keep the wikitr: links and close this ticket.

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