
Opened 6 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#16222 closed enhancement (fixed)

[Patch] Fine tuned support for trees

Reported by: pander Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 18.05
Component: Internal preset Version: latest
Keywords: tree row stump Cc: Klumbumbus

Description (last modified by pander)

As a result of the issue and subsequent discussion in the tag mailing list, I've made a patch that fine tunes support for trees.

The patch and proposed SVG file are attached. The project beautified-JOSM-preset will eventually follow the update here. Please let me know if this can be merged or more discussion or tuning needs to take place. Looking forward to your reply.

Attachments (2)

defaultpresets.xml.20180424.160406.patch (5.3 KB ) - added by pander 6 years ago.
tree_stump.svg (4.3 KB ) - added by pander 6 years ago.
SVG for in presents/landmark for newly supported node tree_stump

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

by pander, 6 years ago


by pander, 6 years ago

Attachment: tree_stump.svg added

SVG for in presents/landmark for newly supported node tree_stump

comment:1 by pander, 6 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by pander, 6 years ago

Rationale for the proposed changes in the patch are:

  1. 'Type' can be mistaken for "type of tree". Hence the clarification from 'Type' and 'Cycle' to 'Leaf type' and 'Leaf cycle' which only takes up minimal amount of extra space.
  1. A chuck for 'leaf' prohibiting mixed leaf type and prohibiting mixed leaf cycle has been added. This is used by tree items and prevents users adding invalid values for a tree.
  1. Tree stump is supported by OSM. This is a very simple item. It has been added including SVG for representation. The SVG has been made from a file for a tree that is already a part of this project.
  1. For the tree item, some fine tuning has been done. The 'name' of a tree is sometimes mistakenly used for the genus or species. Making the name optional - as is suggested by others in the mailing list - will make it less prominent and less likely to by misused. Also not a lot of trees have a name.
  1. The property 'diameter_crown' can be added to a tree. Already 'height' was supported, but crown diameter is more easy to measure and added to OSM during surveys or by means of aerial photography as oppose to the height of a tree.
  1. For logical steps while classifying trees, the order of 'leaf' and 'genus_species_taxon' has been switched, also for 'tree_row'.
  1. Optional fields which are often used and valuable have been added. These are 'operator' for 'tree' and 'tree_row' and for 'tree' only also 'start_date' and 'check_date'. The 'start_date' applies to e.g. trees with a 'denotation' or simply when this information is available for a tree. The 'check_date' is important to timestamp tree properties that change over time such as height, circumference and crown diameter. The check date could also be derived from the timestamp of the changeset, so if there are objections, I'm fine with removing the optional 'check_date' from this proposal. The field 'operator' is important for when there is e.g. an issue with this living organism that might need care.

comment:3 by stoecker, 6 years ago

Component: CoreInternal preset

comment:4 by Don-vip, 6 years ago

Cc: Klumbumbus added
Keywords: row stump added; trees tree_row tree_stump removed
Milestone: 18.05
Summary: Fine tuned support for trees[Patch] Fine tuned support for trees

Thanks for the patch! A side note: please don't set the milestone yourself. This is decided by the team. In this case, not me :)

comment:5 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

Milestone: 18.05

I already had a quick look at this ticket. I think I'll apply some parts next month.
Things, which are problematic:

I'll check the other changes later

comment:6 by anonymous, 6 years ago

Sorry for setting the milestone. Perhaps the workflow can protect non-authorized users from settings this.

As for the 'check_date', I agree to omit this from the patch.

The 'tree_stump' is a relatively new node to map, hence the low numbers at the moment. Recently, more and more trees are being mapped from aerial imagery that has become more easily available as governments open up their data imagery collections. See also When a tree is no longer there, converting it into a stump will prevent other mappers working with the same imagery to add it again.

Adding tree_stump it to JOSM will help increase its numbers by surveys on the ground, e.g. also with mobile editors such as Vespucci and StreetComplete. So this is a bit of a chicken and egg situation. Low number do not promote supporting it but also prevent increase of numbers.

If it can't be added at this time, please add it to NewTags.

in reply to:  6 comment:7 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

Replying to anonym:

Adding tree_stump it to JOSM will help increase its numbers by surveys on the ground, e.g. also with mobile editors such as Vespucci and StreetComplete. So this is a bit of a chicken and egg situation. Low number do not promote supporting it but also prevent increase of numbers.

You can still always add tags manually via the Add Value Dialog. So if the users really want to map tree stumps there is nothing which prevents this. Until now with about 5 added tree stumps per year worldwide (!) (see there is no real interest in mapping tree stumps.

When a tree is no longer there, converting it into a stump will prevent other mappers working with the same imagery to add it again.

Yes you can do this but what if the stump was removed too? In general the better way to give other users hints, e.g. about outdated imagery details, is to use the note tag. E.g. change natural=tree to note=tree was cut down in April 2018

comment:8 by pander, 6 years ago

Okay, agree that tree_stump will be omitted from this patch. When active use rises, I will resubmit it. Thanks for the link to, very useful web site.

(As background information: Removal of a tree stump from the ground can be done rapidly as I have seen in my neighborhood but there are also plenty that are left alone for decades.)

comment:9 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 13786/josm:

  • fix #16254 - add a drinking_water=* checkbox to the fountain preset
  • fix #16253 - update payment cards
  • fix #16222 - rework tree, tree_row, hedge and plant_nursery presets (modified patch by pander)

comment:10 by Klumbumbus, 6 years ago

tree stump added to wiki:Presets/NewTags

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