
Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#1573 closed defect (wontfix)

out of memory problem

Reported by: Schusch Owned by: framm
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: unspecified Version:
Keywords: Cc:


after working for a longer time in josm i always get an out of memory error. This appies to all version I've worked with in the last six month or so up to at least 981.

I'm working with the following scheme:

1 downloading an area,
2 working with it,
3 uploading the work,
4 shifting the area,
5 deleting the layer with the osm data (which should free the memory, shouldn't it?)
6 start over with point 1

josm is getting slower after a while, and when it get's slower the point where josm gives an out of memory error will for sure come ... I would suggest deleting the layer with the osm data in between the work would free the memory but it seems to me, that this might not completly be correct ...

i'm mostly running josm on windows - and still start josm with the standard amount of memory - more memory would only lead to the out of memory point later, but would not fix the problem ...

(I think the same problem is referred to in #468, #984; maybe also in #84 and #745)

the error message itself, by the way, is a lot better now :-)

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by anonymous, 16 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

In #984 the solution is told. Give Java more memory. The standard amount is much too low. The more you do with JOSM, the more memory it needs. Deletion the OSM data layer will give you memory back. Also Uploading reduces memory, as the command history can be deleted.

There also may be memory holes, which can be fixed, but without a reproducable description these cannot be found or fixed.

comment:2 by Schusch, 16 years ago

well, my description is absolutly reproducable on windows ...

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