
Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#14930 closed enhancement (wontfix)

make all (revision-)commits downloadable as compiled josm-versions

Reported by: MKnight Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: unspecified Version:
Keywords: Cc:


in the archive of downloadable JOSM-Versions there are very often gaps between some Versions because they are only commits not official unstables, like off-topic-"problem" in 14862.

I (and i think some others too) want to help the programmers of JOSM where and when Bugs or Problems was born to faster find an fixing it.

Deutsch: Ich halte es für sehr sinnvoll, alle JOSM-Versionen zum Download anzubieten, nicht nur die freigegebenen.
Einfach aus dem Grund, weil man als fortgeschrittener Laie (bspw. ich) dann das genaue CS herausfinden kann (durch stumpfes Testen), wo eine Änderung ein Problem neu verursacht.

Der Mehraufwand die Versionen automatisch zu kompilieren wiegt imho den Aufwand der Programmierer mehr als auf, als zwischen Code für bspw. 17 Commits einen bestimmten Fehler zu suchen.

Kurzfassung: Ich als Laie kann nicht compilen oder svn checkouten, aber stumpf Versionen vergleichen. Ich würde gern sagen können dass ein Bug zwischen Version 12044 und 12045 auftritt statt zwischen 12040 und 12057. Ich meine, dass Fehler so viel schneller behoben werden könnten.

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Change History (4)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 8 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

I agree it would ease the bug spotting when many changes are done in a single day. But this would require a major change of our infrastructure and this would slow down our server a lot, so I don't think this is worth the effort.

There is a workaround if the bug is very recent (no more than a few days): you can test the binaries produced by Jenkins which are built more often (but deleted after a few days, as it would grow forever otherwise).

comment:2 by bastiK, 8 years ago

+1, I'm happy if users narrow it down to ±1 day.

comment:3 by MKnight, 8 years ago

Ok thx, but Jenkins has not all v-numbers too.

comment:4 by stoecker, 8 years ago

One day is usually enough. Usually bug description and one day period give a very good indication which change was responsible. And if not, testing a few versions (20 versions need 5 tests only) is fast. If you deliver regression reports with the daily versions that is better than 99% of the reports we get.

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