
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#13535 closed defect (fixed)

Some tiles aren't displayed while moving the map

Reported by: naoliv Owned by: wiktorn
Priority: normal Milestone: 16.08
Component: Core imagery Version:
Keywords: Cc: wiktorn


It seems similar to #13147: some tiles aren't displayed when the layer is moved.
See the attached video, please.

I am using the Bing layer.


Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2016-09-05 01:10:07 +0200 (Mon, 05 Sep 2016)
Build-Date:2016-09-05 01:36:23
Relative:URL: ^/trunk

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (10962 pt_BR) Linux Debian GNU/Linux testing (stretch)
Memory Usage: 247 MB / 10206 MB (109 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_102-8u102-b14.1-2-b14, Oracle Corporation, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Screen: :0.0 1600x900, :0.1 1280x1024
Maximum Screen Size: 1600x1024
Java package: openjdk-8-jre:amd64-8u102-b14.1-2
Java ATK Wrapper package: libatk-wrapper-java:all-0.33.3-9
VM arguments: [-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on]

+ Create_grid_of_ways (32699)
+ ImportImagePlugin (32699)
+ OpeningHoursEditor (32699)
+ PicLayer (32796)
+ RoadSigns (32796)
+ SimplifyArea (32796)
+ apache-commons (32699)
+ buildings_tools (32796)
+ conflation (0.2.0)
+ contourmerge (1022)
+ download_along (32730)
+ editgpx (32699)
+ ejml (32680)
+ geojson (43)
+ geotools (32813)
+ importvec (32699)
+ indoorhelper (32680)
+ jts (32699)
+ log4j (32699)
+ measurement (32732)
+ merge-overlap (32699)
+ opendata (32898)
+ pbf (32865)
+ pdfimport (32796)
+ poly (32699)
+ reverter (32796)
+ scripting (30730)
+ todo (29154)
+ turnlanes (32796)
+ turnlanes-tagging (1473089322)
+ turnrestrictions (32796)
+ undelete (32699)
+ utilsplugin2 (32815)

Attachments (2)

tiles.avi (3.9 MB ) - added by naoliv 9 years ago.
fixFindBugs.patch (1.2 KB ) - added by stoecker 8 years ago.

Change History (13)

by naoliv, 9 years ago

Attachment: tiles.avi added

comment:1 by wiktorn, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from team to wiktorn
Status: newassigned

I can reproduce it

comment:2 by GerdP, 9 years ago

I cannot reproduce it on WIndows, but I see several tracebacks like this:
Sep 05, 2016 10:21:41 PM org.openstreetmap.josm.Main warn
WARNING: Attribution is not loaded yet Attribution is not loaded yet

at org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.tilesources.BingAerialTileSource.getTileUrl(
at org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Tile.getUrl(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.loadTile(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.access$500(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer$TileSet.loadAllTiles(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer$TileSet.access$1200(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.drawInViewArea(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.access$3000(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer$TileSourcePainter.doPaint(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer$TileSourcePainter.paint(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView.paintLayer(
at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView.paint(
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JSplitPane.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JLayeredPane.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintChildren(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintToOffscreen(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paintDoubleBuffered(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager$PaintManager.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paint(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
at Method)
at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager.prePaintDirtyRegions(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager.access$1200(Unknown Source)
at javax.swing.RepaintManager$ Source)
at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.access$500(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue$ Source)
at Method)
at$JavaSecurityAccessImpl.doIntersectionPrivilege(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Unknown Source)
at Source)

Version 0, edited 9 years ago by GerdP (next)

comment:3 by wiktorn, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

In 10964/josm:

Load tiles from lower zoom levels if not all of them are loaded

Closes: #13535

comment:4 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Milestone: 16.08

comment:5 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

There is a FindBugs warning for this change. If I see it correctly hasAllLoadedTiles can never be true, as a false (initial value) and whatever with and can never be true. The patch is fixing this FindBugs issue, the described initialisation problem and makes it better readable, please review.

by stoecker, 8 years ago

Attachment: fixFindBugs.patch added

comment:6 by Don-vip, 8 years ago

looks good.

comment:7 by wiktorn, 8 years ago

+1 from me, thanks

comment:8 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

fixed in r11637 (typo in commit ticket number)

comment:9 by stoecker, 8 years ago

In 11637/josm:

fix #13535 - fix FindBugs issue

comment:10 by stoecker, 8 years ago

Hah, I can fix that! And now everybody will ask what you mean with typo :)

comment:11 by Klumbumbus, 8 years ago

I could change it back ;)

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