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Opened 9 years ago
Closed 9 years ago
#13156 closed defect (fixed)
bicycle:forward may be used with oneway=yes
Reported by: | mkoniecz | Owned by: | team |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | 16.07 |
Component: | Core validator | Version: | |
Keywords: | template_report | Cc: |
Description has tricky situation
- it is oneway road (so oneway=yes is used)
- it is not oneway for bicycles (so oneway:bicycle=no is used)
- there is cycleway on the right side - so cyclists travelling in the southern direction are generally supposed to use cycleway (so bicycle:forward=use_sidepath is used)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
- tag correctly
- run validator
What is the expected result?
Nothing happens
What happens instead?
validator has "oneway=yes together with bicycle:forward (1)" complaint
Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.
URL: Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b Last:Changed Date: 2016-07-11 23:04:49 +0200 (Mon, 11 Jul 2016) Build-Date:2016-07-12 01:31:48 Revision:10526 Relative:URL: ^/trunk Identification: JOSM/1.5 (10526 en) Linux Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS Memory Usage: 426 MB / 871 MB (77 MB allocated, but free) Java version: 1.8.0_91-b14, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM VM arguments: [${JAVA_HOME}/jre/lib/security/javaws.policy, -DtrustProxy=true, -Djnlpx.home=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin,, -Djnlpx.origFilenameArg=${HOME}/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/56/1ee8cfb8-3780ab59, -Djnlpx.remove=false, -Dsun.awt.warmup=true, -Djava.util.Arrays.useLegacyMergeSort=true, -Djnlpx.splashport=54142, -Djnlp.application.href=, -Djnlpx.jvm=${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin/java, -Djnlpx.vmargs=LURqYXZhLnV0aWwuQXJyYXlzLnVzZUxlZ2FjeU1lcmdlU29ydD10cnVlAC1Eam5scC5hcHBsaWNhdGlvbi5ocmVmPWh0dHBzOi8vam9zbS5vcGVuc3RyZWV0bWFwLmRlL2Rvd25sb2FkL2pvc20uam5scAA=] Dataset consistency test: No problems found Plugins: - OpeningHoursEditor (32583) Last errors/warnings: - W: Unable to delete file <josm.pref>/cache/tiles/WMS_INDEX.key - W: Unable to delete file <josm.pref>/cache/tiles/ - W: Unable to delete file <josm.pref>/cache/tiles/WMS_INDEX_v2.key - W: Unable to delete file <josm.pref>/cache/tiles/ - W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.DeleteFromRelationConfirmationDialog$OKAction@13ca852a - W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.DeleteFromRelationConfirmationDialog$CancelAction@68e254d7 - W: Old style SideButton usage for action - W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.tags.CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog$ApplyAction@46b5c04a - W: Old style SideButton usage for action org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.conflict.tags.CombinePrimitiveResolverDialog$CancelAction@1229aab - W: Old style SideButton usage for action
Attachments (0)
Change History (2)
comment:1 by , 9 years ago
Milestone: | → 16.07 |
comment:2 by , 9 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | new → closed |
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