
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#12842 closed defect (othersoftware)

Screen goes blank white on launching JOSM

Reported by: alexkemp Owned by: team
Priority: blocker Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: Cc:

Description (last modified by alexkemp)

  1. Startup computer
  2. System update via Synaptic
  3. (no synaptic updates, no other programs active)
  4. Launch JOSM
  5. (Normal wait at beginning)
  6. Screen goes blank white
  7. only option is to switch off/restart computer

This first happened whilst working in JOSM. I had selected a node, then screen went blood-red (same colour as the selected node). On next going into JOSM it first reported corrupt config (or some such) and that it would create a default config (+ preferences.xml_backup iirc; it is a zero-byte file). Then delay, then screen went white & so on.


I have zero knowledge of any changes of any kind before this event.

I'm a competent computer user + programmer, and am happy to bug-chase under direction. I cannot provide any status reports, etc. currently as cannot get into the program.

Would clearing ~/.josm help?

[Answer: no]
I renamed ~/.josm to ".josm-backup" then launched JOSM.
It at first appeared to be working normally. However, at some point near the end of the start-up sequence, the screen turned entirely light-blue & was frozen once again.

Having restarted & looking at ~/.josm it has an empty 'cache' dir + a zero-byte 'preferences.xml' & that is all. Help!

JOSM: 10168 (latest stable)
System: Debian Jessie 8.4

 ~$ java -version
 java version "1.8.0_91"
 Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_91-b14)
 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 25.91-b14, mixed mode)

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Change History (6)

comment:1 by alexkemp, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by alexkemp, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by alexkemp, 9 years ago

1.log out
2.log back in (same user)
3.launch JOSM (no other action)
4.same report on corrupt config OK to save
(backup file is actually called 'preferences.xml.bak' & is zero bytes)
(new preferences.xml is 21.3 kB)
6.this time JOSM completed startup
7.exited JOSM + restarted computer

On restart JOSM started fine. Good lord!

Re-applied plugin defaults & shutdown JOSM to make this comment. Hopefully, all is OK. However... what on earth caused such a horrific problem before?

comment:4 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Resolution: othersoftware
Status: newclosed

I have absolutely no idea. If the problem happens again, try to report it to Debian directly, it seems to have nothing to do with JOSM but rather a graphics/system problem.

comment:5 by alexkemp, 9 years ago

You were perfectly correct, Don-vip, to close this ticket as "problem is elsewhere". I tried booting from a USB-stick based 'Live-Debian' (squeeze). It had just reached the desktop when the screen went dirty-white & froze - essentially, the dupe of former behaviour.

After installing memtest86+, I tried to check the memory (it is used from the boot menu). Selecting 'F1' gave a system freeze + all-blue screen, whilst ordinary check gave system freeze + white screen.

I threw my hands up & got a PCW Lenovo H30 (removed wretched Win10 & installed Debian Jessie). Am using said Lenovo to write this comment. Former box was Dell with new motherboard fitted by me 1 year ago. That MB cost as much as the Lenovo.

(mutter, grumble)

comment:6 by alexkemp, 9 years ago

Cause was NOT motherboard (sorry to blame you, Dell) but rather was new memory sticks (damn you, Crucial!). Removed 2x2GB sticks & moved original 2x500MB in their place & everything works without incident. Maybe this will be the last that JOSM hears from me re: bug reports (fingers crossed).

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