
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#12219 closed enhancement (fixed)

Validate wikidata tag wrt. wikipedia tag

Reported by: simon04 Owned by: simon04
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin wikipedia Version:
Keywords: Cc: pigsonthewing


From ticket:10148#comment:description:

Show a validator warning if no Wikidata item is found (the Wikidata item may not exist yet; or the value entered may contain an error.

Show a validator warning if two or more Wikipedia articles are linked, with different Wikidata item IDs (may indicate an error; or there may be duplicates on Wikidata).

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Change History (2)

comment:1 by floscher, 7 years ago

This is now implemented (see f443e9a) and will land in the next release of the plugin.

comment:2 by floscher, 7 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The following validator warnings are now released as part of release v1.0.1:

  • error if wikidata=* contains something that currently does not exist as an item on
  • warning if wikidata=* contains the Q-ID of a Wikidata item that is a redirect (this warning can be fixed by clicking the "Fix" button in the validator)
  • warning if the wikidata item associated with the article from wikipedia=* does not match the item from wikidata=*

Show a validator warning if two or more Wikipedia articles are linked, with different Wikidata item IDs (may indicate an error; or there may be duplicates on Wikidata).

That would not be an error, if anything the opposite case could be flagged (when the items are the sam). According to wikipedia tags for secondary languages should only be present when the associated Wikidata item is different. The reasoning being that Interwiki-Links can and be resolved by data users.

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