
Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#12039 closed enhancement (fixed)

Query wikidata with name then add id to selected object

Reported by: hjart Owned by: simon04
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin wikipedia Version:
Keywords: wikidata Cc: Polyglot, species


I would appreciate a function that would query the Wikidata api using either the value of the name=* tag of a selected object or a text input box. Upon succes the function would then add wikidata="returned_id" to a selected object

Attachments (1)

2016-07-10-225237_590x270_scrot.png (3.5 KB ) - added by simon04 9 years ago.

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Change History (13)

comment:1 by Don-vip, 9 years ago

Component: CorePlugin wikipedia
Owner: changed from team to simon04

something for wikipedia plugin?

comment:2 by hjart, 9 years ago

This would be for objects for which there are Wikidata articles, but not necessarily Wikipedia articles, so possibly independent from that plugin.

Last edited 9 years ago by hjart (previous) (diff)

comment:3 by simon04, 9 years ago

So this is like #10148, but starting with the name tag instead of the wikipedia tag?

comment:4 by hjart, 9 years ago

Many of the objects I'm interested in tagging wikidata=* would never have their own Wikipedia article and in many cases not even an official name. Furthermore I don't really think I would want it to run every time I enter a name tag. I can see cases where that would be annoying unless it would only run for certain preselected groups of objects (such as historic=memorial). So I think I would primarily want a function that I would actively run by clicking a menu item or hitting a key. Something very plain and boring :-)

comment:5 by hjart, 9 years ago

Wikidata items do not have to have unique names, so ways to figure out which item to choose would be needed. This could prove to be a bit complex.

by simon04, 9 years ago

comment:7 by simon04, 9 years ago

Cc: Polyglot species added
Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Feature added in [o32625:32628] to menu Data → Search Wikidata items.

Have fun!

comment:8 by species, 9 years ago

Nice work, thanks!

Two suggestions:

  • could you add a language selector? Because it onlys searches with JOSM's current language, and changing that requires a JOSM restart...
  • could you populate target key list with only the entries from the Wikidata-Page in the OSM-Wiki?

in reply to:  8 comment:9 by simon04, 9 years ago

Replying to species:

  • could you add a language selector? Because it onlys searches with JOSM's current language, and changing that requires a JOSM restart...

The query string is considered in the language set in the wikidata plugin (use the rightmost button in the dialog)

Done in [o32634:32635].

comment:10 by hjart, 9 years ago

I love the Wikidata button. Iv'e found lots of objects in Denmark for which there are (mainly) german and/or english, but no native wikipedia articles and I've found it very helpfull for discovering those.

I have found though that if a wikidata item has more than one set of coordinates (happens if imported from 2 wikipedias each with their own set), it doesn't appear in the list.

Also if coordinates are stored only on wikidata (note the {{coord wd|...}} template in i.e. which gets coordinates from Wikidata), a wikipedia article won't show up when pressing the leftmost button.

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by simon04, 9 years ago

Both issues have to be taken care of on the Wikipedia/Wikidata side since the plugin is just using the official API.

Replying to hjart:

I have found though that if a wikidata item has more than one set of coordinates (happens if imported from 2 wikipedias each with their own set), it doesn't appear in the list.

I can confirm this. This is very bad. I created a bug – let's see.

Also if coordinates are stored only on wikidata (note the {{coord wd|...}} template in i.e. which gets coordinates from Wikidata), a wikipedia article won't show up when pressing the leftmost button.

This might be due to not invoking {{#coordinates:}}, see the comment on

Note: This function provides the visual display elements of {{coord}}. In
order to load coordinates into the database, the {{#coordinates:}} parser
function must also be called, this is done automatically in the Lua
version of {{coord}}.

comment:12 by hjart, 9 years ago

I reported the coord wd problem here and although the guy apparently doesn't yet know how, he appears intent on solving it.

I regularly find I need to also name objects as I attach wikipedia and/or wikidata tags to them and I have often done this by copying the wikipedia title and subsequently remove the "da:" from the name tag. Is there a chance the plugin could automatically populate name=*, if it doesn't allready exist, so I could skip that step (as it is a bit cumbersome as well as errorprone)?

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