
Opened 11 years ago

Closed 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#10020 closed defect (fixed)

[Patch] Revert selection to new layer is broken

Reported by: skyper Owned by: Upliner
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Plugin reverter Version:
Keywords: selection new layer Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. select a single object (way or node) with version higher than one.
  2. try to revert a changeset in a new layer with "only selection" selected.

What is the expected result?

A new layer with the reverted object is created.

What happens instead?

An empty layer is created.

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

When chosing "selected and deleted" non selected object is present in the new layer

Repository Root:
Build-Date: 2014-05-13 01:36:17
Last Changed Author: Don-vip
Revision: 7117
Repository UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last Changed Date: 2014-05-13 01:20:33 +0200 (Tue, 13 May 2014)
Last Changed Rev: 7117

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (7117 en) Linux Debian GNU/Linux 7.5 (wheezy)
Memory Usage: 395 MB / 882 MB (301 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.7.0_55, Oracle Corporation, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM
Java package: openjdk-7-jre:amd64-7u55-2.4.7-1~deb7u1
Dataset consistency test: No problems found

Plugin: OpeningHoursEditor (30416)
Plugin: conflation (0.1.6)
Plugin: imagery-xml-bounds (30416)
Plugin: jts (30416)
Plugin: mirrored_download (30436)
Plugin: notes (v0.9.2)
Plugin: photoadjust (30428)
Plugin: reverter (30436)
Plugin: terracer (30416)
Plugin: todo (29154)
Plugin: undelete (30416)
Plugin: utilsplugin2 (30419)
Plugin: wikipedia (30416)

Attachments (2)

10020.patch (1.9 KB ) - added by GerdP 5 years ago.
10020.2.patch (1.6 KB ) - added by GerdP 5 years ago.
fixed indention (blanks instead of tab)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

comment:1 by GerdP, 5 years ago

@skyper: Can you still reproduce this problem? If yes, please give more details how to reproduce, else simply close it.

comment:2 by skyper, 5 years ago

Still can reproduce:

  1. download way 30277813 and select it.
  2. revert changeset 80099745 choosing "revert selection only" and check "download as new layer"
  3. empty new layer

console output:

2020-01-26 17:46:36.057 INFO: Reverting 1 changeset(s): [80099745]
2020-01-26 17:46:36.057 INFO: Reverting changeset 80099745
2020-01-26 17:46:36.425 INFO: GET -> HTTP_1 200
2020-01-26 17:46:36.489 INFO: GET -> HTTP_1 200
2020-01-26 17:46:36.497 WARNING: No revert commands found for changeset 80099745
2020-01-26 17:46:36.497 INFO: Reverted changeset 80099745

It is the same with "revert selection and restore deleted objects" with "download as new layer" checked.

Without "download as new layer" checked it works though "restore deleted objects" does not work at all.

comment:3 by GerdP, 5 years ago

OK, can reproduce it.
Please check if this gives the wanted result:
1) download the way
2) create new layer
3) select way in old layer
4) merge selection
5 select new layer
6) revert 80099745 fully
7) confirm download of missing objects
If yes, the plugin should be able to do this as well.

by GerdP, 5 years ago

Attachment: 10020.patch added

comment:4 by GerdP, 5 years ago

Summary: Revert to new layer broken[Patch] Revert to new layer broken

Problem is that the plugin searches the wrong dataset for selected objects. The attached patch fixes this.

by GerdP, 5 years ago

Attachment: 10020.2.patch added

fixed indention (blanks instead of tab)

comment:5 by GerdP, 5 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Attached patch works only when reverting a single cs.
Problem is fixed with [o35310:35311]

comment:6 by GerdP, 5 years ago

Summary: [Patch] Revert to new layer broken[Patch] Revert selection to new layer is broken

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