Custom Query (4427 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 4427)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#627 crash on opening gpx file framm defect blocker Core
#636 error opening gpx framm defect blocker Core
#642 Error while loading GPX file framm defect blocker Core
#1593 bug in open a permalink framm defect blocker unspecified
#1857 webkit photo tiles, each one is partly over each one framm defect blocker Plugin
#1891 Backtrace when trying to download a bbox framm defect blocker Core
#1995 Error by save Water-Area framm defect blocker unspecified
#1996 Edit existing Way framm defect blocker unspecified
#2269 Upload is broken team defect blocker Core
#2274 DirectUpload does not upload team defect blocker Plugin
#2277 Exception/crash with cadastre-fr plugin in JOSM snapshot 1479 team defect blocker Plugin
#2449 conflict when uploading changes after splitting way / one half of the way should remain on relation route, other half off relation route team defect blocker Core
#2468 JOSM upload failing - error 409 team defect blocker Core
#2493 deleting duplicate way fails with Nullpointerexeption team defect blocker Core
#2521 problems handling conflicts when two users edit the same onject Cobra defect blocker Core
#2556 java.lang.StackOverflowError after upload request team defect blocker Core
#2805 dragged nodes go out of sight/solar system team defect blocker Core
#2810 View not repainted after moving nodes/way team defect blocker Core
#2843 JOSM svn rev 1738 crashes when attempting to download plugins team defect blocker Plugin
#2992 Problem with way splitting team defect blocker Core
#2993 Problem with way splitting team defect blocker Core
#3047 Relation sorting adds new members - destroying data! team defect blocker Core
#3451 JOSM does not read OSM-Files correctly team defect blocker Core
#3610 Problems downloading along GPX track team defect blocker Core
#3622 stop when select a area (portable) team defect blocker Core
#3623 stop when select a area (portable) team defect blocker Core
#3949 download data Luebeck defect blocker Core
#3950 download large area team defect blocker Core
#3986 Unable to Edit existing Relation team defect blocker Core
#4209 getCurrentDataSet() is empty after adding new layers. team defect blocker Core
#4324 New ways not displayed jttt defect blocker Core
#4383 JOSM won't start team defect blocker Core
#4453 r2906 broke validator team defect blocker Core validator
#4516 unexspected error trying to add a node to a way with conflict team defect blocker Core
#4571 Deleted primitives referenced after update team defect blocker Core
#4575 Relation editor hides tags team defect blocker Core
#4629 josm stores password in 644 file team defect blocker Core
#4724 error on getting the state repport team defect blocker Core
#4727 Error after load of osm file team defect blocker Core
#4973 An error is made assumption outside during a Japanese input. team defect blocker Core
#4974 An error is made assumption outside during a Japanese input. team defect blocker Core
#5171 Tested JOSM crashed while selecting area for download team defect blocker Core
#5192 multipolygon broken dieterdreist defect blocker Core
#5334 how to handle inconsistent data? team defect blocker Core
#5733 Imagery: impossible to correct offset Upliner defect blocker Core imagery
#5832 josm freezes on middle mouse click (apparently)/ autosave-bug team defect blocker Core
#5896 josm hangs on start (current svn) team defect blocker Core
#6242 Errorfile at Start of JOSM team defect blocker Core
#6289 Program crashed on startup team defect blocker Core
#6548 contourmerge (image?) could not be loaded, exception raised team defect blocker Core
#6616 Cadastre-fr plugin fails at startup after updating to 4257 pieren defect blocker Plugin cadastre-fr
#6782 Kritischer Fehler // Critical Error team defect blocker Core
#6986 Could not load plugin Columbus CSV. JOSM 4487 OliverW defect blocker Plugin columbuscsv
#7411 StackOverflowError error when starting JOSM. team defect blocker Core
#7678 videomapping plugin crashes on attempt to import video team defect blocker Plugin videomapping
#8137 undelete plugin creating every other way as a 0 node way team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#8274 JOSM prevents opening of local files if OSM server is down team defect blocker Core
#8302 Crash while changing value of tag team defect blocker Core
#8524 Mac OS X package (version 5759) ist beschädigt Radfahrer defect blocker Installer MacOS
#8629 network broken team defect blocker Core
#8637 undelete plugin doesn't recover history properly, thus preventing re-uploading of deleted items team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#10657 downloading data in new version r7643 is impossible anonymous defect blocker Core
#11160 crash on lit streets mappaint style team defect blocker Core
#11301 Error when trying to add photolayer (Bing etc) team defect blocker Core
#11309 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when closing JOSM preventing it from closing team defect blocker Core
#11322 Problems with JCSCacheManager team defect blocker Core
#11596 8524 doesn't start at all team defect blocker Core
#11604 JOSM-latest not start !! team defect blocker Core
#12194 Preset Sources could not be loaded in Preferences team defect blocker Core
#13135 josm-tested package for OSX is absent team defect blocker Core
#14638 Deadlock due to movement to new location (deadlock on MapillaryData) floscher defect blocker Plugin mapillary
#15091 NoSuchMethodError: org.openstreetmap.josm.Main.addLayer mojodna defect blocker Plugin fieldpapers
#16470 Crash when upload team defect blocker Core
#18791 Error at startup after installation of latest version team defect blocker Core
#19154 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs team defect blocker Core
#19155 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs #2 team defect blocker Core
#19156 rev.16239 crashed, many bugs #3 Sergey <djam5@…> defect blocker Core
#19278 Exception while opening 'Open' window team defect blocker Core
#20394 error on open file dialog team defect blocker Core
#21466 JOSM can't access internet anymore team defect blocker Core
#23230 Cannot open the Download data dialog team defect blocker Core
#23297 OAuth2 semi-automatic button doesn't send client ID to non-default OSM servers team defect blocker Core
#143 Prevent the delesion of nodes that are still required by other segments/ways (Checked in V226) imi defect critical unspecified
#667 Relation support needs work up framm defect critical Core
#712 Lakewalker generated error framm defect critical Core
#743 JOSM crashes after osm data download framm defect critical Core
#752 Absturz gerade framm defect critical Core
#1060 Download --> Bounding Box --> URL bugged since 673 framm defect critical Core
#1439 Valitator Plugin error framm defect critical Plugin
#1692 [patch] telephone icon black on black isn't good in rev. >= 1045 ulfl defect critical Internal mappaint style
#2284 Not uploading gpx file vi plugin team defect critical Plugin
#2474 Provide scrolling drop down menus team enhancement critical Core
#2603 Error when grabing the data from OSM team defect critical Core
#2621 editgpx can't save modified gpx file team defect critical Plugin
#2637 Unable to resolve conflict in relation team defect critical Core
#2718 [patch] unclosed regex group xeen defect critical Core imagery
#2984 josm crashes when loading imagery tsult defect critical Core
#3073 JOSM uploads a corrupt relation to the server team defect critical Core
#3089 can't make new relattion team defect critical Core
#3278 redirect shortcuts in the undocked windows to the main window does not work team defect critical Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.