Custom Query (4428 matches)


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Results (501 - 600 of 4428)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4741 Search for "id:0" does not work anymore team defect major Core
#4745 check for "doubled" relations team enhancement major Core validator
#4767 Osmarender crashes at any region team defect major Plugin
#4768 invalid info about overlapping areas team defect major Core validator
#4817 bug unhandled exception dieterdreist defect major Core
#4831 option to autosave osm layer team enhancement major Core
#4833 relation presets do not work team defect major Core
#4906 JOSM Crash team defect major Core
#4991 JOSM moves objects that are not on the active layer team defect major Core
#5030 Im trying to open file team defect major Core
#5058 Fetching user info (click refresh to get open changesets) does block team defect major Core
#5301 background color changes when zooming in ulfl defect major Internal mappaint style
#5316 Requesting too many nodes silently fail team defect major Core
#5337 internal data structure broken in case of using clipboard team defect major Core
#5369 cancel-Button below download progressbar does nothing, but the 'x' closes window team defect major Core
#5380 multipolygon plugin sets shortcut to "m" bilbo defect major Core multipoly
#5414 Sorted uploads team enhancement major Core
#5540 crash by multiple houses zerebubuth@… defect major Plugin terracer
#5621 No warning about false chosen projection team defect major Core
#5719 requesting version history can't be cancelled, blocks josm temporarily team defect major Core
#5774 Empty value in preset definition no longer removes tag team defect major External preset
#5812 lower imagery resolution than possible zufallsprinzip@… enhancement major Core
#5904 svn rev 3851 hangs at startup team defect major Core
#5959 IncompatibleClassChangeError when starting JOSM rev:3902 team defect major Core
#5999 Exception when turning on Bing background imagery team defect major Core
#6001 Unable to add Bing imagery layer team defect major Core
#6019 preset list not scrollable team defect major Core
#6284 Upon opening JOSM encountered error message team defect major Core
#6341 prevent automatically moving of core short cuts. team enhancement major Core
#6342 the workspace should be rotable team enhancement major Core
#6453 Numbers stay in value fields team defect major Core
#6478 JOSM will not update map team defect major Core
#6503 after updating to latest veresion Josm failes to start (unexpected exception) team defect major Core
#6550 JOSM doesn't start - Loop on Launcher team defect major Core
#6582 command stack: no info about layers (seperate command stack per layer) team defect major Core
#6626 building tools: use existing node instead of deleting and creating new ones Upliner enhancement major Plugin buildings_tools
#6639 JOSM has thrown an exception while uploading a selected part of changes team defect major Core
#6828 problems joining points in last version team defect major Core
#6836 unglue way: only keep memberships of turn restriction if selected way is part of. team defect major Core
#6837 error when moving ways xeen defect major Core
#6842 unhandled exception on rotate team defect major Core
#7066 josm no longer under window manager control team defect major Core
#7142 Precondition failed cryptic error team defect major Core
#7340 problem with measurement plugin team defect major Plugin measurement
#7403 Josm only displays error. team defect major Core
#7404 Josm only displays error. team defect major Plugin measurement
#7509 NullPointerException when downloading area near Wegscheid team defect major Core
#7519 NPE when pasting relation with incomplete node members to new layer team defect major Core
#7790 [Patch] Make switching to lasso selection mode easier team enhancement major Core
#7792 JOSM does not start team defect major Core
#7868 NPE in multiGetIdPackage team defect major Core
#7933 Crash when downloading OSM data for Cairo Egypt team defect major Core
#7970 Copy Paste does'nt work on MAC OS X Eric Pommereau defect major Core
#7983 turnrestrictions plugin crashing when entering the preferences in r5466 team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#7996 buildings_tools: exception at finishing object team defect major Core
#8010 Crash at JOSM start (java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: team defect major Core
#8139 order of relations in case of delete or undelete(revert) is unsorted and cause conflict team defect major Core
#8157 Issue when area stretches across 180 degree longitude. team defect major Core
#8198 relation loopings are lost when combining ways team defect major Core
#8317 ways without tags invisible team defect major Core
#8476 Self-crossing ways not found team defect major Core validator
#8632 unexpected behavior of "distribute nodes" team defect major Core
#8633 unexpected behavior of "distribute nodes" team defect major Core
#8754 Check against wrong highway values in connected oneway roads denying routing team enhancement major Core validator
#8783 No possibility to draw a shared wall Upliner enhancement major Plugin buildings_tools
#8949 JUnit projection tests fail team defect major Core
#9078 DataIntegrityProblemException when reverting changeset Upliner defect major Core
#9083 teach validator about "label" and "admin_centre" role of administration boundary relation team defect major Core validator
#9199 copy&paste of tags vanished team defect major Core
#9218 "Paste attribute" paste nothing but the type and the id of the source?! team defect major Core
#9444 RuntimeException when fixing one node way team defect major Core validator
#9665 Not displaying conflict team defect major Core
#9862 NPE after startup team defect major Core Webstart
#9946 IllegalStateException with reverter plugin Upliner defect major Plugin reverter
#9985 josm - buildings plugin Upliner defect major Plugin buildings_tools
#10109 direct download plugin not working team defect major Plugin DirectDownload
#10268 Joining of overlapping polygons results in multipolygon tumsi defect major Core
#10352 Translate engine change team defect major Core
#10675 Could not initialize class com.sun.imageio.plugins.jpeg.JPEGImageReader team defect major Core imagery
#11066 Please add Unicode support team enhancement major Core
#11108 java.lang.RuntimeException: Fatal: unable to locate image 'tagkeepmine.png' team defect major Core
#11121 Regression: Exception when opening a conflict team defect major Core
#11159 JOSM 8100 won't start because of missing "pencil.???" icon team defect major Core
#11247 Keyboard does not work team defect major Core
#11293 turnrestrictions crashes team defect major Plugin turnrestrictions
#11418 Unicode chars >16 bit will crash JOSM team defect major Core
#11673 Error when adding ways to relation team defect major Core
#11782 JOSM Validator crashes with school holidays team defect major Core validator
#11791 "Circle arc" is deleting ways team defect major Plugin utilsplugin2
#12203 tags missmatch team defect major Core
#12331 JOSM freezes when clicking "Report bug" in the menu bar team defect major Core
#12332 Tag editor displays strange keys and values when (single-)clicking different cells team defect major Core
#12401 Too tall screen size when adding tags team defect major Core
#12820 Text and Icons too small on high res monitor (Windows) team defect major Core
#12830 Aliases per language in the presets team enhancement major Core
#12846 Error when trying to convert gpx to datalayer team defect major Core
#12931 Trying to open JPG images results in Null pointer exception. This has happened over the last few versions of josm team defect major Core
#12938 NullPointerException team defect major Core
#12946 Error ocured in "add tags dialog" when adding tag is not listed in history list or last item in list team defect major Core
#12968 NPE in layer.AbstractTileSourceLayer.getScaleFactor team defect major Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.