Custom Query (11572 matches)


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Results (301 - 400 of 11572)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#4624 Relations not rendered right away team defect critical Core
#4631 Plugin download broken team defect critical Core
#4675 [PATCH] conflict solution: deleting node and undo, does not render way right. team defect critical Core
#4762 Morsezeichen team defect critical Core
#4790 [patch] Fully automatic retrieval of OAuth token failed since OSM switched to HTTPS Gubaer defect critical Core
#4793 turnrestrictions: NullPointerException because of missing icon Gubaer defect critical Plugin
#5078 Regression: Draw areas first, then other ways team defect critical Core
#5100 Cannot Retrieve OAuth Request Token team defect critical Core
#5174 Validator: Incorrectly claims node is untagged team defect critical Core validator
#5387 lack of reprojection and server configuration difficulties (WAS: Wallonie WMS server and JOSM : compatibility and features) A_Pirard defect critical Plugin proj4j
#5397 Modified state is not reset after save/commit team defect critical Core
#5406 Starting JOSM applet destroys local JOSM preferences team defect critical Core
#5410 No user interaction for failed download team defect critical Core
#5529 Fehler beim aktualisiern von Plugins team defect critical Core imagery
#5598 Elevationprofile plugin crashes after canceling download of gpx points - and blocks JOSM OliverW defect critical Plugin elevationprofile
#5636 Can't fully PURGE some boundary:administrative ways team defect critical Core
#5670 Nodes are not marked dirty when moved with area tool (ctrl-drag) team defect critical Core
#5676 edit summary (changeset comment) in upload dialog sometimes still uses old value michael2402 defect critical 17.05 Core
#5677 Add Bing Maps logo and copyright team enhancement critical Core imagery
#5715 imagery stalls JOSM Upliner defect critical Core imagery
#5732 Own WMS entries missing Upliner defect critical Core imagery
#5783 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Primitive must be part of the dataset" after successful upload team defect critical 14.02 Core
#5830 Exception while zooming using Bing Imagery team defect critical Core
#5949 can not execute script with shebang jstein defect critical Plugin ext_tools
#5965 NullPointerExeptition when enabling wms in rev 3906 (local build) team defect critical Core
#5990 NPE when clicking anywhere in the viewport in rev 3915 (local build) team defect critical Core
#5993 josm crashes when opening bing background Upliner defect critical Core
#6007 rev 3922 (local build) runs out of memory when trying to upload to osm hjart defect critical Core
#6050 render bug with ways, strange lines (WAS: render bug with selected way) team defect critical Core
#6213 Licence-status per user not correct rickmastfan67 defect critical Core
#6217 Corrupted data after merging nodes team defect critical Core
#6241 [PATCH] Validator plugin hangs team defect critical Core validator
#6322 Wrong Relicensing Status displayed for Undecided Users team defect critical Core
#6357 [Patch] validator: false error warning "duplicated relations" team defect critical Core validator
#6391 Plugin undelete broken in JOSM ~4080+ Nakor defect critical Plugin undelete
#6395 "Paste Tags" (Ctrl+Shift+V) now completely broken as of JOSM 4102 team defect critical Core
#6432 WMS and TMS do not handle projection/projection changes correct team defect critical Core
#6513 turnlanes plugin preventing splitting ways that don't have "lanes" tags benshu defect critical Plugin turnlanes
#6529 Deleting locally referenced objects in conflict resolution breaks data integrity team defect critical 20.11 Core
#6530 Plugin undelete funktioniert nicht mehr anonymous defect critical Plugin undelete
#6536 CrossingWays causes OutOfMemory (was: josm runs out of memory after clicking "upload", upload is impossible) team defect critical Core validator
#6579 utilsplugin2: paste relation allows to add a relation as member to itself. Zverikk defect critical Plugin utilsplugin2
#6598 Parallelway mode reports wrong offset distance in statusline olejorgenb defect critical Core
#6644 Exception when trying to change GPX track colour team defect critical Core
#6655 Make "Mercator" the default projection in ImportImage Plugin team enhancement critical Plugin
#6665 Several Bugs in ImportImagesPlugin team defect critical Plugin
#6699 Errors when compiling josm from svn team defect critical Core
#6726 NPE in rev. 4332 team defect critical Core
#6737 unhandled exception on delete dieterdreist defect critical Core
#6763 JOSM 4395 svn doesn't like plugins team defect critical Core
#6855 Reverse terracer broken, give number tag to unselected buildings zerebubuth@… defect critical Plugin terracer
#6875 [Patch-2] Data Layer can be changed after selecting another layer team defect critical Core
#7027 Windows user preferences are lost when running 4550 after 4553 team defect critical Core
#7087 Reverter Plugin defekt Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#7088 Preferences NullPointerException team defect critical Core
#7101 Undoing a node addition causes an exception in r4623 Don-vip defect critical Core
#7110 Adding a node to multipolygon causes an exception Don-vip defect critical Core
#7136 Downloading data produces an exception Stereo defect critical Core
#7138 Latest licensechange plugin (27218) crashes at load since last plugin update framm defect critical Plugin licensechange
#7197 Regression: plugin verification broken Larry0ua defect critical Core
#7212 "Update data" broken (regression) team defect critical Core
#7291 Can't use WMS layer in 4818 jezevec defect critical Core
#7305 Upload failed for big changeset bastiK defect critical Core
#7333 NPE in "Resolving conflicts window" preventing fixing conflicts team defect critical Core
#7358 regression: custom shortcuts are reverted to defaults upon restart team defect critical Core
#7426 New Save/Upload box causing massive errors when closing JOSM on a previously edited saved file team defect critical Core
#7444 Broken transformation + offer boundaries (EPSG:31370 not working) team defect critical Core
#7469 Exception in conjunction with deleting nodes out of bound + no undo team defect critical Plugin terracer
#7477 Error with plugin list team defect critical Core
#7481 Merging does not find conflicts and breaks routing or leaves unconnected nodes team defect critical 19.03 Core
#7522 naptan_bus_stops-style causes JOSM not to start team defect critical External mappaint style
#7524 Draw mode is broken xeen defect critical Core
#7570 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when selecting a boundary relation team defect critical Core
#7596 Plugin installation is broken team defect critical Core
#7606 Values in presets get translated simon04 defect critical Core
#7620 JOSM crash every minute team defect critical Core
#7703 How to get resources from inside plugin? bastiK defect critical Core
#7757 AIOOBE at RoutePatternAction.calcOffset roland.olbricht defect critical Plugin public_transport
#7938 [critical/blocking] stack overflow: infinite exceptions when opening Conflict editor on a relation team defect critical Core
#7978 Merging nodes is broken. Don-vip defect critical Core
#8100 GeoJSON output not readable by TileMill team defect critical Core
#8435 [PATCH] Relationship Editor crashes JOSM team defect critical Core
#8491 WP-Articles containing ampersand ("&") can not be opened simon04 defect critical Plugin wikipedia
#8587 JOSM Windows Installer is still in 5759, not 5836 team defect critical Installer Windows
#8597 Data loss when joining address node into building team defect critical Plugin terracer
#8608 Uploading revert-changeset crashes Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#8620 JOSM does not compile after JMapViewer update team defect critical JMapViewer
#8654 Create Mac OS X application bundle which uses Java 1.7 on 10.8 team enhancement critical 14.03 Installer MacOS
#8680 History dialog missing new version after a revert team defect critical Core
#8781 does not work with relations Upliner defect critical Plugin buildings_tools
#8900 reverter plugin crashing when starting JOSM (r6081) Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#8938 Reverting selection + deleted object produces data inconsistency Upliner defect critical Plugin reverter
#9047 "Guess"ing missing fields in addresses overwrites existing values OliverW defect critical Plugin fixaddresses
#9284 SVN Version does not compile team defect critical 13.11 Core
#9482 regression: irregular behaviour drawing ways Don-vip defect critical 14.01 Core
#9511 IllegalArgumentException when testing "Oauth token" Don-vip defect critical 14.01 Core
#9626 MapCSS validation strings are not included in core language files simon04 defect critical 14.01 (hotfix) Core
#9699 JOSM starts as few pixel width window. Don-vip defect critical 14.02 Core
#9701 NPE in ToggleDialog team defect critical 14.02 Core
#9962 WMS Service dont work since this version team defect critical 14.05 Core imagery
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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