Custom Query (4428 matches)


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Results (1401 - 1500 of 4428)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#8739 for MacOS X does not work with Java 7 Radfahrer defect normal Installer MacOS
#8745 Don`t work with *.mov anonymous defect normal Plugin videomapping
#8751 roundabout and trunk team defect normal Core validator
#8756 JOSM exception when clicked new in search dialog team defect normal Core
#8763 Improved functionality of plugin continuosDownload by adding option to download tracks Gnonthgol enhancement normal Plugin continuosDownload
#8764 MacBook Pro Retina Display support neic enhancement normal Core
#8767 DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset team defect normal Core
#8769 Validator and public transport team defect normal Core validator
#8789 control does not pan on Mac team defect normal Core
#8790 TODO Plugin buttons become unusable Gnonthgol defect normal Plugin todo
#8797 Loading Bing-Tiles only if license-file is already downloaded team defect normal Core imagery
#8813 Patch for #8809 - Document upload tasks team defect normal Core
#8819 crash on load team defect normal Core
#8833 Shrinking an extruded area leads to weird path team defect normal Core
#8841 Show proper error message if bounding box is too large team defect normal Core
#8842 Merge layers when downloading after opening file team defect normal Core
#8843 Merge layers when downloading after opening file team defect normal Core
#8860 upload wihe a automatic fixing of a confolict team defect normal Core
#8863 plugin code downloading and updating is not secured (most importantly: authenticated) at all team enhancement normal Core
#8867 During conflict resolving team defect normal Core
#8871 JOSM still using Java 6 as JRE on Mac OS X team defect normal Core
#8874 Select most needed node of many nodes under cursor team enhancement normal Core
#8884 Unable to upload modifications (OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset) team defect normal Core
#8892 Could not read GPX File team defect normal Core
#8898 java.lang.AssertionError when undoing a Purge. team defect normal Core
#8899 josm stores cache-files on wrong place team defect normal Core
#8907 ImageImportPlugin unexpected exception team defect normal Plugin importimage
#8910 Allow the creation of notes in JOSM team enhancement normal Core notes
#8922 NPE during download team defect normal Core
#8929 CCE draging the map with right mouse button team defect normal Core
#8930 Fehlermeldung bei "Kachelzwischenspeicher löschen" team defect normal Core
#8931 Fehlermeldung bei Tag-Löschversuch team defect normal Core
#8936 First tiles of Bing (per josm instance) always fail team defect normal Core imagery
#8937 IndexOutOfBoundsException merging layers with conflicts on the same area team defect normal Core
#8952 During validation team defect normal Core
#8958 Adding „library” section to presets. (idea) team enhancement normal Core
#8959 Preset: Option to link from one to another one (wunsch, von einem presets in ein anderes verlinken) team enhancement normal Core
#8960 "DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset" when reloading/updating OpenStreetBugs list team defect normal Core
#8977 NPE when using "Lane and road attributes" style team defect normal External mappaint style
#8984 unknown bug team defect normal Core
#8988 Support the new #map=zoom/lat/lon URL schema for team defect normal Core
#9004 Plugin for averaging GPX tracks team enhancement normal Plugin
#9005 Preset amenity=ranger_station team enhancement normal External preset
#9018 Error in JSOM team defect normal Core
#9022 Unexpected Exception team defect normal Core
#9026 Bug report request downloading data area form osm team defect normal Core notes
#9035 Java 6 is still used after update to java7 on Mac OS X team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9036 Connecting 2 outerlines made this happening team defect normal Core
#9041 Loading data anonymous defect normal Core notes
#9044 Null pointer exception whilst attempting to revert a changeset Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#9045 Null pointer exception whilst attempting to revert a changeset team defect normal Core validator
#9049 Something went wrong when uploading team defect normal Core
#9050 Error loading bing attribution data team defect normal Core
#9058 ack for restart after activating remote control throws exception team defect normal Core
#9063 WMS cache is not managed team defect normal Core
#9064 josm.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError when importing image using ImportImagePlugin team defect normal Plugin importimage
#9079 tag "tunnel=building_passage" should be rendered such as "tunnel=yes" team enhancement normal Core mappaint
#9095 route_master relation preset sets "route" key for the type of route team defect normal Internal preset
#9098 clicking on map near a note point ToeBee defect normal Core notes
#9122 FIXMEs should be in category "Warning" not "Other" team defect normal Core
#9130 System frezes when trying to match images to gpx track team defect normal Core
#9136 OpenSeaMap icons werden nicht mehr angezeigt team defect normal Core
#9139 "Style for inner way equals multipolygon" warning strange team defect normal Core validator
#9140 validator false-positive: waterway=riverbank overlapping ways is not an error team defect normal Core validator
#9146 Absturz bei Zugriff auf Notes-Plugin team defect normal Plugin
#9151 Unable to revert changeset team defect normal Plugin reverter
#9153 "Unexpected exception" when attempting to upload data team defect normal Core
#9160 Backgroundmap Bayern 2m on 1680x1050 team defect normal Core
#9167 Problem with revert and deleted objects team defect normal Core
#9170 browsing area with download OSM data continuously plugin active anonymous defect normal Plugin continuosDownload
#9180 plus key not working to zoom in team defect normal Core
#9184 Error loading query team defect normal Core
#9192 map icon for Diving team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#9198 add "select and zoom" for problems listed by validator team enhancement normal Core validator
#9202 JOSM duplicating nodes after failed upload brussell237@… defect normal Core
#9212 check layer value for illegal values team enhancement normal Core validator
#9222 Allow rectification of a set of 4 nodes team enhancement normal Core
#9224 Pasting tags broken team defect normal Core
#9225 Mac installer on Mavericks. team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9232 "DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset" when loading data on the server vorrutyer defect normal Core
#9233 Notify about unread messages send via OSM message system team enhancement normal Core
#9236 Change power=substation team enhancement normal Core
#9239 Bug report rquest at josm start team defect normal Core
#9240 bug report request, pasting text into text frame in the download from Overpass Api (mirror download plugin) team defect normal Core
#9243 Lombardia - Italia (CTR) map team defect normal Core
#9249 JOSM 6238 and Java 7 update 45 security team defect normal Core Webstart
#9267 Error while editing ways team defect normal Core
#9269 Make upload window less complicated without "expert mode" team enhancement normal Core
#9290 incorrect "align nodes in circle" operation - regression team defect normal Core
#9293 fixing (layer=+1) to (layer=1) may be fixed by validator in automatic way (via fix button) team enhancement normal Core validator
#9298 detect nodes with missing railway=level_crossing team enhancement normal Core validator
#9300 detect nodes with missing railway=crossing team enhancement normal Core validator
#9305 validate if *_link highways end at the respective road type team enhancement normal Core validator
#9308 mysterious "highway without a reference - Suspicious tag/value combinations" team enhancement normal Core validator
#9313 Start JOSM on OS-X 10.9 not possible team defect normal Installer MacOS
#9320 "Validation errors" layer should be added below data layers team enhancement normal Core validator
#9325 Fehler beim Hochladen der editierte Daten aus JOSM nachdem ein Konflikt gelöst wurde team defect normal Core
#9336 client auto updates team enhancement normal Core
#9338 Cannot load geotiff team defect normal Plugin importimage
#9340 rechtwinkling machen, nur auf Auswahl team enhancement normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.