Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#17853 relation.nameOrder not working needinfo defect normal Core
#21222 DataIntegrityProblemException: Complete node with null coordinates needinfo defect normal Core
#21994 barrier=chain icon is absolutely massive needinfo defect normal Internal mappaint style
#22409 IOE: Unable to make protected javax.print.attribute.EnumSyntax[] sun.print.Win32MediaSize.getEnumValueTable() accessible needinfo defect normal Plugin print
#22495 Warning when using a relation restriction:bicycle=give_way needinfo defect normal Core validator
#22752 JosmRuntimeException: Join areas internal error - findBoundaryPolygons needinfo defect normal Core
#23192 Do not warn "House number without a street" when there is addr:substreet needinfo defect normal Core
#23301 IAE: EastNorth is invalid in ParallelWays.changeOffset needinfo defect normal Core
#23458 Hitting Plus Twice in Turn Lanes Throws an Error needinfo defect normal Plugin turnlanes
#23479 Error when trying to create new way in parallel way mode needinfo defect normal Core
#23570 Xubuntu jammy -- Error apt update needinfo defect normal Ubuntu package
#23614 NPE: Cannot invoke "javax.swing.JRadioButton.isSelected()" because "this.this$0.rbGraalVMScriptingEngine" is null needinfo defect normal Plugin scripting
#23800 WMS username/password login needinfo defect normal Core imagery
#23855 IOException in OpenQACache#getUrl needinfo defect normal Plugin openqa
#23939 NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "" because "this.myDataset" is null needinfo defect normal Core
#24019 ISE in MultiValueResolutionDecision.keepOne needinfo defect normal Core
#23671 parallelize layer loading on session restore needinfo enhancement minor Core
#23810 Way Split shows superfluous warning of splitting way with possible referrers reopened defect minor Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.