Custom Query (10 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new sotmfr2019 wiki data item wikidata team enhancement major
#13965 Allow keyboard shortcuts for WIkipedia functions new wikidata, feature request, shortcut simon04 enhancement normal
#15597 Wikidata Toolkit new WDTK Wikidata Toolkit simon04 enhancement normal
#17705 "IAE: The site ID is not given in the expected format!" when try get wikidata tag from existing wikipedia tag new template_report wikidata floscher defect normal
#18042 complain where wikipedia tag is used instead of correct brand:wikipedia (or wikidata instead of brand:wikidata) new template_report brand wikipedia wikidata team enhancement normal
#18541 Obtain tagging descriptions from OpenStreetMap Wiki item new wikidata wiki team enhancement normal
#20873 Copy coordinates from OSM to Wikidata new wikidata coordinate floscher enhancement normal
#20881 Add names from Wikidata new wikidata names languages floscher defect normal
#21576 Please add support for the species:wikidata=* key, as it is implemented in the iD new wikidata, additional functions, mapping, tag floscher enhancement normal
#21616 RFC: If a relation has wikidata tag hinder deletion of relation new delete relation wikidata team enhancement normal
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