Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#6372 Plugin Request: Easy tracing of areas from aerial images new Plugin tracing areas imagery team enhancement normal
#6396 (Experimental PATCH) Allow plugins to be reloaded without restart reopened plugin olejorgenb enhancement normal
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday boman enhancement normal
#7328 building_tools -> core? reopened plugin, building_tools, frequent team enhancement normal
#15624 [Patch draft] It would be far too easy to hijack a plugin with malicious code new plugin jar signing certificate tofu security team enhancement normal
#19756 Advanced preference for plugin and image paths new template_report preference plugin image path team enhancement normal
#20655 Command line option "update plugins" new template_report plugin update command line team enhancement normal
#21230 Update developing plugin documentation of selection change listener new developing plugin documentation team task normal
#21464 Dynamically display hints for new search keywords/functions added by plugins in search dialogue new search, plugin, ui team enhancement normal
#21821 allow to call external validator from JOSM new external,validation,validator,plugin team enhancement normal
#22267 Route master New relation not possible new matsim_plugin double-m defect normal
#23007 Show progress on plugin downloads new template_report plugin download progress team defect normal
#23492 Unable to access buttons to move image in PicLayer needinfo PicLayer, plugin django07 defect normal
#16753 wikipedia plugin's viewport bounding box setting new wikipedia plugin bounding box setting floscher enhancement minor
#19211 Plugin update interval: Allow to set zero to always update on startup new template_report update plugin interval team enhancement minor
#20631 UtilsPlugin2: use old object tags when Replacing Geometry new UtilsPlugin2, Replace Geometry, conflict resolution team enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.