Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5205 Support Undo in relation editor new undo relation manager team enhancement normal
#5710 Confirmation question undo to wrong place (more than 20 object) new undo, move team defect normal
#5846 AssertionError when undoing PurgeCommand new purge undo command stack team defect normal
#7489 [patch needs rework] Undo merge and download actions new redo undo merge download command stack team enhancement normal
#11333 AssertionError: Node was removed when purging, but is still there on undo new template_report purge undo team defect normal
#14526 SequenceCommand doesn't rollback properly in case of subcommand error. new SequenceCommand undo command team defect normal
#18133 [Patch draft] Undo edit to selected object(s) new undo team enhancement normal
#18850 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after undoing adding additional node new template_report undo new node kolesar defect normal
#19331 AssertionError after download, purge, download, undo new template_report undo purge command stack team defect normal
#20042 Close button doesn't cancel edits & doesn't add to undo list new template_report turn close undo Rub21 defect normal
#21152 Undo Selection + Select last modified nodes/ways: ISE: JOSM expected to find primitive in dataset but it is not there, with delete, purge or undo new Undo selection select last modified invisible team defect normal
#21186 Undo Selection + Select last modified nodes/ways do not work with deleted objects new template_report undo selection select last modified deleted objects team defect normal
#21917 'except' tag in the turnrestrictions plugin new template_report except tag undocumented team defect normal
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new template_report relation editor undo command stack team enhancement normal
#8463 Command stack (undo/redo) should be per object new command undo redo team enhancement minor
#20481 just an idea: 'undo' versus 'restore to' new Command Stack,undo,restore team enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.